


10 months, 17 days ago


Favors are supernatural powers, granted to humans in this universe. The favor someone holds is highly random, with no currently documented links in what determines someone’s favor. They can be broken down into four basic categories.

Elemental favors are considered to be somewhat common, although they are usually regarded as being the strongest. They often consist of control of the basic elements, such as fire or wind, but there are also those with more specialized elemental favors, sporting things such as crystal or metal. Elemental favors offer its users control of any instance of that element, although it requires training to get better control.

Shapeshifting favors allow its users the ability to transform parts of their body of even their entire form. They are the rarest of the favors. A user’s shapeshifting ability is largely limited to a specific form such as an element or an animal, although there is documentation of people able to transform into a plethora, or perhaps infinite selection of forms.

“Generic” favors are largely characterized by their inability to be satisfyingly sorted into a well-defined group, with even the term used to describe them changing as more is learned about them. These are the most common favors by a fair margin, with many defying explanations entirely. Most favors end up sorted into this category for this reason.

Artificial favors are man made favors that require a special energy source which can only be collected through harvesting manifestations. They often combine the energy with technology or machinery, and use it to achieve results similar to those of regular favors. Artificial favors are quite a recent development, the technology only being widely popularized in the last five years. Their existence is the subject of much controversy, mainly regarding the fact that they require manifestations to be harvested rather than exorcized.