


1 year, 3 months ago




Name Lilia Lebedeva
Age Adult
Pronouns She/Her
Vision Cryo
Weapon Catalyst
Constellation Cygnus
Nation Snezhnaya



Lilia was raised on her family's ranch, where they primarily raised sheep. She grew up relatively normal, with a passion for dance spurred on by her mother. Her most precious childhood memories are her time spent with the lambs in the fields, doing amateur performances for her family, and playing with the cloth dolls her mother would gift her.

Tragedy would strike her at the age of 13, when her mother fell ill and passed under mysterious circumstances. Her mother was her main motivator in her passion for dance, but she didn't let that get her down. Her ambitions and passions only strengthened, and she became much more focused on improvement. It was around this time that she recieved her vision, which she likes to imagine as a blessing from the Tsaritsa herself.

When she turned 18, she set off on her own into the capital, performing small shows wherever she could find work. She was eventually noticed by the Royal Snezhnayan Ballet, which would take her under their wing and train her into their next star. She adapted quickly, gaining prestige and her... quiet reputation.


Lilia performs regularly with the company, staying out of trouble where she can. She's sweet, but lets her manager pick and chose who gets to meet her after a show. They also have a habit of not telling her who sent which gifts, for her own safety. The amount of praise and attention she gets is a bit much for her, especially the expensive presents she sometimes gets. It's a big culture shock for her, growing up relatively humble. She writes to her family regularly, along with sending them a portion of her pay.


  • Lilia's constellation is Cygnus, a swan, and is her overall theme. Genshin doesn't have an equivalent to Swan Lake, but I may try and develop something in the future for her.
    • You may also see a few swans in the design of her outfit, particularly on the skirt of her dress.
  • We don't have any dishes from Snezhnaya yet, but her signature dish would be something sweet, such as a candy or dessert.
  • I don't have a particular voice claim in mind for her yet, but it would be something soft and sweet.


Valeriy Lebedev
Lilia's older brother, who now runs the family's ranch by the border. Ended up raising Lilia himself after their parents' passing. They write to each other frequently.
Her Mother
Lilia's mother is who originally urged her to persue her passion for dance. Lilia misses her a lot.
An admirer of Lilia's, though she doesn't know it. Through circumstance, she never properly learns that any of his gifts are from him. He, however, assumes she knows.


  • Lilia
  • Moonlike Smile - Hoyomix
  • Marigold - M2U
  • Swan Theme - Tchaikovsky
  • Mushrooms - Mili


  • Outfit as a whole is loosely based on traditional Slavic dress and ballet outfits.
  • Patterns on her skirt include swan motifs.
  • The dark blue layers of her skirt and shawl are meant to invoke fabrege eggs.

Lilia's supposed to have a lot of outfits, but I struggle to design them. Feel free to draw her in different ballet costumes, and to change up her hair should you draw her.