


11 months, 19 days ago


Employee Information
Employee ID
Suit Name
Date of Hire
Hiring Manager
Folio, Portia (P.F.)
11 months ago
Disciplinary Records

For any inaccuracies in the list, please contact Robot Resources to have them corrected, as they may affect your future promotion / remuneration changes.

- Slacking Off, 2 weeks ago (latest) One of several counts of having spent work hours wandering the streets of Toontown alongside Dr. and Mrs. Practice. However, both employees have since taken the blame and vouched for Ms. Folio, as they have in every incident prior.
Personal Statement

Your personal statement forms a part of your application to C.O.G.S. Inc. Should we find inaccuracies or discrepancies between your personal statement and the facts collected by our Suit Intelligence Team, we reserve the right to dismiss you without warning.

Your personal statement is kept here for archival purposes.

Oh dear. Uh, oh cog, let's see... er. Wait, when do you need me to start? OH! Oh cog. Uh, er, well, I am a very hard worker, and am willing to shoulder the burden of work. I think if, uh, if you hired me you'd really appreciate it! I graduated top of my class at Steelford Law, but uh, I'm not really looking for anything big to start with. I think I'd actually prefer something, er, subtle? If that makes sense. Uh, sorry, that's not really my choice is it, haha! Oh dear, was that good enough?
For Hiring Manager Use Only

For archival purposes the following fields cannot be edited. If any of the fields below need to be updated, please contact Internal IT Support.

Employment History
- Previously worked part-time at a Cog Staples (2 Months) - Internship at McWexler & McWexler (14 Months)
Incredibly hard worker. Fully prepared to perform hours of paperwork.
Anxious, shaky. Finds it hard to say no. Seems she already doesn't undergo regular maintenance.
Additional Notes
- Possibly perform regular check-ups on Ms. Folio. Her physical state is lacking as is, and being everyone's intern can't be good for her. - Small stature, make sure her desk has accommodations.
Interviewer Notes
- Opening Remarks "She tripped over herself on her way to the desk and dropped all of her papers. I would have offered to help but she was already up and had them gathered. I don't know if it was nerves or what, but it was kind of funny." - Qualifications "Actually very qualified. If she had more life experience, she could make it to a manager position. Top of her class at one of the highest law schools in Suitopia? How did she even manage that?" - Closing Remarks "Gradually became less anxious as the interview went on. Could be a good sign for fitting in at the company. Focused and determined, even if she stuttered through a majority of the interview."