Eli Bitter-Soares



1 year, 6 hours ago


Eli Bitter-Soares - Nonbinary lesbian - he/him & li/lis/lichself
5'5" / 165 cm - 25 September (36) - Turkey Vulture
Favorite color is purple (#8273ba) - Favorite flower is Purple Rhododendron
Disabilities: Walks with a cane, has EDS

VOICE - Mama Gabe (Where The Stars Fell Podcast) / Kiera Gill
Created 7 February 2022

A motorcycle-driving mechanic who is also a necromancer.Married to Sylvaine Bitter-Soares and has three children; Zayna, Rory and Nim. Specializes in necromancy and illusion magic.

-Almost specialized in oracle telling. Helped Rory learn it.
-Works a day job as a mechanic for a car shop
-Has absolutely brought Sylvie on a date to a graveyard
-Drives a motorcycle!
-Favorite seasons are Winter and Spring
-Has a sweet tooth, usually has something like Saltwater taffy with him
-Was raised an only child in a magic family that didn't use their magic often, he would sneak out at night to meet with friends to practice
-Cold hands.
-There were/are almost definitely rumors that he's a vampire or something. He's fine with this
-Is good at baking but not cooking.
-Usually ends up burning food
-Likes candles! The house has so many.
-Favorite color is purple, he had no favorite color until Sylvie asked what it was and he asked her to guess. She guessed purple.
-Just to mess with his kids he absolutely says memes incorrectly on purpose
-Walks with a cane sometimes if needed. He doesn't always need it
-Can sing! Can often be found humming songs when he's working on something

Sylvaine (Wife)
Zayna (Child)
Rory (Child)
Nim (Child)