


6 years, 1 month ago


I am one who calls herself Melethiel;
I am one who calls herself Love.

Race: It's believed to be irrelevant, the nature of my skin. I shall leave it to you to mull over as your curiosity is swayed by my refusal to explain it to you.
Age: I have lived many lifetimes over. The years have began to blur together, and I find myself rather hopeless at knowing which day it is, out of the seven that have been given.
Gender: I am one who has been labeled as a female from those who know how to identify myself, though I feel as if it doesn't matter as much as people do believe.

Personality: I may prove to be one of different quality than you are accustomed to, or, I presume, than most hold.
Sexuality: Perhaps, you shall believe it when the phrase, "I am blind to the concept of gender playing a purpose in a sexual relationship." slips through my lips? Oh, but what may prove to be more toilsome is the phrase, "Love is limitless!" I shall keep with me as many lovers as are willing.
Relationship Status: For the moment, I have not a single lover. However, when I fill the void, it will be with many.

Occupation: I, my little morsel, am a skilled wedding planner! And, notably, the only one Love has been well acquainted with. Perhaps, when I have settled into the new setting in which I shall call my shop, I may assist you in tying the you and your fair lover throw a befitting event.