Captain Judgment (CJ)



1 year, 2 days ago


I can’t stop heeellllpppp


Info:(in work)-Yes, he's a dude with a split personality (idk why) His head is just flipped to change personality lol
-The first dude  is mostly calm and analytical. He is terribly cunning and quick-witted. He also likes to manipulate others and consider himself superior to others.
-the second dude is very irritable, always screaming and sometimes likes to mock and insult someone. Everything infuriates him, and he can say it openly. Crazy meanie braaaa.


A little abt their lore-

-ssssso, it all starts with the fact that CJ, who was just an ordinary clone of JB, proclaimed himself as the Captain, without asking anyone for permission to do so. No one really cared why they did that.
-He began to think that he was smarter and cooler than others. Also. At the same time, CJ continues to pester the guests and do his job, but now he wants to know all the secrets and motives of those whom he judges (in order to manipulate and frighten them later). He won't stop until he gets to it.
-Why did he choose to call himself captain? Probably because they like everything related to the sea and the title of Captain sounded cool to them. They just wanted to draw more attention to themselves idk.
-Why do they have a split personality? CJ was originally supposed to have one face, but was given a second one by mistake. After that it was covered by the fact that this is how it should be and that this is a new feature. (or something like that).-does CJ know about this? Yes, and sometimes he and his other side may even argue among themselves.