Séraphine DeSpell



11 months, 30 days ago


NOTE: Contains mentions of Parental Death

Séraphine DeSpell

Let's see..To complete the potion, I'll put in.. Tilia for friendship, laurel for joy, and a drop of carrot extract! Shake well, and...It's perfect!

— Séraphine, "The Good Witch"

The Ever-Curious daughter of Poe DeSpell. Séraphine has been transported in a sense from the 1700s into the modern day. She may be confused, but she is having a great time learning and discovering new things. She's particularly fascinated by modern technology, and wonders how it would meld with magic.


Séraphine is a young starling. She has black, shimmering feathers, with white sparkly freckles. Her eyes are pink, with lighter pink scleras, and diamond-shaped pupils. She has thick, coily hair that is dark blue that follows a gradient to bright pink at the very ends. She likes to style her hair in many ways, but she loves having braids. She wears a black dress with a light pink collared shirt beneath, with a diamond-shaped pink gemstone hidden inside; her magic stone. Her dress has pockets, and on those pockets are pink embroidered bubble shapes. Her right leg is a prosthetic made of her pink magic. She wears black mary janes with gold buckles, and short, black bracers with gold buckles. She wears golden, flat, disk-shaped earrlings, and gold round glasses. Ocassionally, she wears a black cape with pink insides, and a gold buckle. Her witch's hat is black and pointy, with a pink bow


Séraphine is dedicated and curious. She has a scientific mind, and her dream is to create inventions powered by magic. She loves to study and learn as much as she can. The more knowledge, the stronger one is. As a child, she would get excellent grades in all of her magical classes, except for Misconduct. Simply put: Séraphine was much too polite, much too kind to others. When she got bad grades, she dedicated herself to act meaner, which was quite difficult, but she was able to hold the facsimile enough for grades. When meeting new people, her first instinct is still to come off as kind and polite and likaeble.
Being raised by a magical dictator twisted her world views a bit She often comes off as cold and has a difficult time seeing others as equals. Now that she is in the modern world, that does cause problems. Slowly, more and more people are becoming tolerable in her eyes. Her dream is to become an Evil Magic Queen, similar to how her Father and Aunt once were, though it's more of a daydream, as she could never find it in herself to be quite that mean.

Powers and Abilities

Séraphine is a witchling; a witch in training. Though born with magic, witchlings still need to hone these skills and find what they are good at. Hexi quite enjoys brewing potions, which she considers her main magical talent.
She has an enchanted broom that allows her to fly. Technically, she could use any stick or similar item to allow herself flight, but she made her broom and she much prefers it. Her name is carved into the curved wood, and it has a spot to hang a lantern. It's a miracle it survived her time in her protection spell.


Born 30 April 1714, Séraphine and her twin brother lived with their single Mother up until they were around four. It wasn't a fancy life, it was quite quaint. They lived in a little village, and loved their lives. Unfortunately, they were young when Witch Hunting was becoming very common. Their entire hometown was destroyed, everything gone, including their Mother. She remembered her face clearly, clinging to the memory forever. The twins wandered for some time, having nowhere to live, until they met Magica and Poe. Poe recognized the two as young witches, and took them under his wing, becoming their Father and giving them a life they never would have dreamed of before. They were so happy. Treated well, loved. Being the children of a magical dictator wasn't too bad at all! Unfortunately, that dream was cut short around five years later, when Poe was turned into a Raven before her eyes. Séraphine would never forget the sight of her father flying away. Magica did her best to care for the children, and did quite well, even if she wasn't the best at it.


Entering double-diget years, Séraphine had a hard time without her Father. Magica sent the witchling to The Magic School of Boudlar, where she would study hard to learn as much as she could. She made a friend there, Xavier, and qutie liked the Headmistress, Miss Strict. She would live at the school for semesters, and return home on weekends and breaks. Her grades were stellar, ignoring her grades in Misconduct. She was too polite, and couldn't live up to the expectations to be evil enough. One break came, and Séra and her brother went along with their Aunt to visit Scrooge on Mount Vesuvius. Seeing her be turned into a coin, the two ran. Séraphine gripped Séraph's hand as they ran, letting go only when they came to their staffs to fly away. Once Séraphine landed again, she turned back, only to see that her brother wasn't there; she lost him along the way. With no-one else in her life, she remembered a lesson her Aunt gave her - If something were to happen to both Magica and Poe, the twins were to seal themselves in protection spells, and when it was safe, the adults would come for them. She did just that, finding a safe place in a forest and casting her spell, sealing herself in a magical crystal on waiting to be found again.


294 years passed until Séraphine's little protection crystal was found. A large, twisting tree grew around it, nearly completely engulfing her, making it near impossible to tell she was there. During that time, the Raven who was once her father centuries ago, was turned back into his original form. The Witch had thought his children had been lost to time, until Séraphine's magic interacted with a wave of magic from The Shadow War, sending out it's own magical signature into the world. Poe, along with The Mad Ducktor triangulated the location, only finding Séraphine because of her broom that was placed nearby.
Once being released and reunited with her Father, and meeting his partner, they next went to find Séraph. Once found, Séraphine began to settle into the modern world. Always having been a scholarly soul, she wanted to know as much as she could about the new world. Technology in particular fascinating her very much. She wants to learn as much as she can, and create her own own inventions powered by magic.

Alternate Appearances

Negaverse!Séraphine is quite the opposite. Outwardly kind, she has a cruel heart, nothing like her kind Father and Aunt, and surely they would be disappointed in her if they knew.
Hexi in the Negaverse wears her hair always in cornrows. She wears star earrings, and near white gloves. A white and pink shirt, a dark belt, and pink pants, all topped off with a pink cape.

Source Appearance

The original Source look of Séraphine. A pekin duck with golden pigtails and a big hat.

Theme Song
Penny Parker - Electrolysis

Playlist - [Full Here]
Kimiko Glenn - Who Was She

The Crane Wives - Turn out the Lights

Alec Holowka - Fireflies on the Porch

Dove Cameron - Evil Like Me

  • Séraphine began as a version of The Witch Child but I have modified her to a point I consider her an OC.
  • I have an RP account of her on Twitter under the username @hexingdespell
  • Her right leg is a congenital amputation, meaning she was born without it. As a child she used a prosthetic so people did not know she had magic. However, she now uses her magic to form her leg.
  • She has very, very poor eyesight. She would not be able to function without her glasses.
  • Her right leg is a congenital amputation, meaning she was born without it. As a child she used a prosthetic so people did not know she had magic. However, she now uses her magic to form her leg.
  • Lucio, her familiar, happened to curl up for a nap next to Hexi's magical protection spell, ending up being protected by the magic as well and imbuing him with magic.
  • As a child, after Poe was turned into a bird, she would check every Raven she saw. Just in case.
  • If she went to a beach, she would avoid the water but make sand castles. She doesn't much enjoy the feeling of sand in her fingers, so she would use her magic.
  • Quite enjoys nature documentaries!

Séraphine DeSpell


Full Name
Séraphine Iunone DeSpell

Séra (Common)
Hexi (Common)
Perereca (Family)
Frog (Family)
Heksine (Uncommon)
Nocina (Uncommon)

13 (30 April 1713)




Common Starling

4'11" / 149 cm

Enchanted Forest

Southern Italy


The Ocean
Being alone

Lawful Neutral

Poe DeSpell (Father)
The Mad Ducktor (Poe's Partner)
Unknown (Bio Dad - Deceased)
Unknown (Bio Mom - Deceased)

Séraph DeSpell (Twin)

Magica DeSpell
Adelia DeSpell

Minima DeSpell
Matilda DeSpell
Lena Sabrewing

Granny DeSpell

Samson Hex
Witchis Witch

Mad Madam Mim
Miss Strict
Rosolio Rhododendron

Scrooge McDuck
Clan McDuck
The Phantom Blot

Favorite Color
Pink - #e097b9

Favorite Plants

Lucio (Porcupine)

Frida (Hilda)
Older Voice
Vex'ahlia Vessar (TLoVM)