


1 year, 3 days ago


Name: Phirora

Nickname: Phiro (Father) | Safflina (Grandmother)

Pronouns: (She/Her)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Phirora is an rather calm yet curious person who often times tend to become an scatterbrained whenever it comes to directions of exploring. Though despite her forgetful nature, she actually quite the sweetheart who would look our for those she considers her friends but try and lend an helping hand.

Apperance; She is an porcelain’s tan girl with light slight dark greenish eye color that an shade lighter while she also wears an silent princess flower that was gifted to her from her father. Though she does also wear an waist bag to keep her personal stuff close while carrying an quiver & arrow carrier. While she also has an greenish skirt but an traveler top of an blueish teal like colors with lighter and darker shade and patterns. She also wears an navy like fingerless gloves while her hair is an brownish color with ginger on her tips of hair which is from her mother side while wearing an small ribbon & also traveler boots. 

Relationship(Friends and Famiy):

• Sarhice (Father)

• Ryllae (Mother | Unknown)

•Cymbiir (Grandmother)


Past Partner: N/A

Current(Crush): N/A

Backstory: Born within Hateno Village, Phirora grew up barely knowing her mother though often heard many stories from her father about the adventures he and her mom went on before settling within the village they choose to live in. But as she grown older, her interest would then begin to explore the many potential of her hobbies as Phirora would not only be interested of astronomy, but also archery which would later lead to becoming something she uses to travel but keep out of harms way. She was given her grandmother bow when she grew into an adult, passed down to her even, to take care of but use whenever practicing her archery. However Phirora exploring nature sometimes get the best of her as the Hylian has an passion to seek many new areas and potential adventures that awaits her! She would later depart from Hateno village to later embark on an path to find her own destiny, but perhaps an future that ahead of her within time as Phirora would let life take it course for her. 

Extra: She decorated her bow with silent princess flowers she discovered during her travels, as she remembers what her father told her when he gaven her one when an child that belonged to her mother.