Lysanna ♦ Dragon Age



5 years, 11 months ago



Genderfemale ♀
Species human
OccupationGrey Warden


She enjoys being flirty, but sometimes she can be a bit intimidating with her bluntly nature. It works with Oghren though.
She is too curious for her own good. Loves to get to know peoples backstories and asks everyone about their past, always eager to get to know them better and never too shy to ask personal questions. Lysanna has no problems with spending money, because she grew up in a wealthy family. Leilana once described her having some severity to her.

The Hero of Ferelden was the younger daughter of Bryce Cousland, Teyrn of Highever. When Arl Rendon Howe's forces attacked Castle Cousland and murdered most of the Cousland family, the Hero escaped to safety with Grey Warden Commander Duncan, who then recruited her into the order.



  • her eyes are reflective



reading۰ stories - especially when they include griffins ۰ Ferelden ۰ swords ۰ Mabaris ۰ griffons ۰ the grey wardens ۰ fights and duels


 darkspawn ۰ Lyrium ۰ cats


  • Her Mabari is called Töfte. He was a gift by her beloved father. Thus she is more of a dog person.

  • She would spent all the time looking for funny dog memes on the internet ( and sent them to Alistair )
  • She loves making gifts.

  • In Redcliffe there is a tavern which is owned by a red haired woman called Bella. The tavern was a gift by Lysanna, who got it from the previous owner by intimidating him.
  • Would never smuggle drugs

  • Even if I did the "Favors for Certain Interested Parties" quests Lysanna would never do anything to support underground illegal crimes
  • She had a threesome with Alistair and Isabella

  • She had an argument with Anders about keeping his cat, once the other Wardens started to complain to her. This was their first major turning point in their friendship and would lead to him, fleeing the Wardens.

  • She will ride a Griffon and no one can stop me

  • Was sometimes bullied by other children. Found shelter in the chapel and got some comfort from the Mother Mallol. Since then she visited the chapel more often. She doesn´t believe in the Marker though, just enjoys the family feeling she whenever she hears a prayer.

Dragon Age: Origins

  • She recovered at Redcliffe and got closer to Arl Eamons family, especially messing around with Connor who reminded her of Oren.

  • After the events of Dragon Age: Origins she started rebuilding the grey wardens of Ferelden. It was a long and laborious process. She started to work together with the mages, trying to understand the joining process and the effect of the darkspawn blood better.

Dragon Age: Aftermath

  • After the city of Ammaranthine was destroyed because of her, she started to struggled with the responsibilities she had as the Warden Commander. Since people started to question her and being disobedient, she became more strict and lost her warmth. Many of her relationships to her friends suffered because of this, especially the one with Anders.

  • He deserted from the Wardens after the tension which was going on since months escalated into a fight. Lysanna still regrets the harsh words and wants to apologize to Anders. 


  • The last journey of every Grey Warden is to the undergrounds of Ozammar to fight their last battle against the darkspawn. Lysanna did the same, when she knew that her time was over.

ObtainedCreditsStatus / Value
Self | Year of creation: 2019Designed by Fyurama Dragon Age:Origins created by  Never for Trade / Sale
Template by Fyurama  Deviantart