


11 months, 17 days ago


 To lose your heart is to lose yourself. 

A sharp-tongued and cold-shouldered tom, Stormspirit is the opposite personality of what one would expect from a healer. He isn't afraid to speak his mind and is unapologetically sarcastic. He is just as likely to give someone a harsh beratement as opposed to patching them up, although typically it will be both at the same time. Under this harsh exterior, though is someone who takes pride in his work and is determined to save as many lives as he can.

For many in his clan, they know that Stormspirit will move heaven and earth to keep them safe. He might not have the strength to fight off attackers, but he does have the skill and intelligence to put his medicine to use. Where he lacks in physical ability, he makes up with quick mind and a flexible rule book. He has lived many years and seen many things, and is now putting those lessons to use.

smart assery

120 Moons
July 8th, 2013
eating disorder, depression
limiting traits
stats sheet


Adds +2 to intelligence. Self explanatory, he's also a dick.

Skill Name

Skill description here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra.

Skill Name

Skill description here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra.


Skyflower and Snakefang were both young warriors when they developed feelings for each other, becoming mates after moons of courting. The process wasn't easy, though. Both warriors were stubborn and fought at every twist and turn- but loved each other to come right back. The two had verbal spars- Skyflower calling Snakefang horrid names and Snakefang calling them right back. It made the clan wonder if they were courting or in a war.

Later on, Skyflower became pregnant with their kits- she was barely thirty moons. Snakefang was overjoyed, and the two were happy. Snakefang turned out to be a worrisome, doting mate and soon-to-be father. He refused to have her do anything as soon as she started showing. Skyflower would retort she could still do basic duties- and she did until the final moon. After that, she settled down for motherhood and patiently waited for her kits.

Stormkit, Cloudkit, and Lizardkit were born during a cool leaf-bare night, with the moon peaking in the sky. Skyflower and Snakefang were ecstatic about their three perfect, beautiful kits. They mostly took after Snakefang in build and Skyflower in coloration, although neither could quite figure out where Stormkit's green eyes came from.

Cloudkit and Lizardkit were rambunctious and wild from the start- bouncing and causing trouble. Stormkit was more reserved, liking to play hide and seek and sneak around. He especially liked the healer den, it smelled nice and he was curious about the herbs. The current healer, Kestrelfeather, noticed and showed the small kit what healer duties were. Stormkit liked it. When he mentioned it to his siblings, Cloudkit and Lizardkit encouraged him to ask for an apprenticeship. Stormkit was still unsure, and so he avoided the healer for a moon.

Right before his apprenticeship ceremony, though, he gathered his courage and asked the she-cat for an apprenticeship.


Stormpaw had a rough first month, he missed his siblings. The trio was never all together as one- one or two had to be somewhere else. But Stormpaw adapted and became close to his mentor. Kestrelfeather was strict but kind. The old she-cat was a great teacher, and the tom learned quickly.

His first big case was when he was only 8 moons. Two young warriors were very sick due to bad fresh-kill. They were vomiting blood- which no one knew why- and Stormpaw almost quit right then and there. He persevered, but the two cats died a day later. Stormpaw was rattled, he had never seen anything like what the two cats had gone through. Kestrelfeather was quick, though, and told Stormpaw of what needed to be done, of what he'd need to do later on in life, what being a healer truly was.

Stormpaw soon became neutral about the gore that came with his occupation. A few apprentices thought it was funny to mock Stormpaw because of his job- mocking his lack of desire to fight and equating to him being a glorified nursery sitter. Stormpaw passed them off with humor and, most often, silence. No one helped him because he never told a soul.

The anger built up, but he bottled it harder. One day, he broke. The three apprentices were more than surprised when the small, angry, hissing ball of fur flew at them- that is perhaps why Stormpaw wasn't beaten that day. Stormpaw beat one of them soundly- he was a healer, and knew where to hit where it hurt- they would never try mocking him again. The other two had fled when they saw the unbridled rage in his green eyes, and Kestrelfeather, Snakefang, and Cloudpaw were the ones to pull Stormpaw off the other apprentice. He was harshly scolded by Kestrelfeather, being told he used his intelligence to hurt a clanmate instead of heal them, and if he did it again she wouldn't hesitate to quit mentoring him.Stormpaw learned that his anger was bad- he decided to never show it.

As his apprenticeship continued, Stormpaw wasn't bothered again. By that single apprentice, at least. The other two looked for revenge. Stormpaw knew he couldn't face them head on- they knew better now. So he hid away and used his words. Slipping around them by reasoning why they couldn’t beat him up that day, Stormpaw avoided their revenge by being smarter than them.


The newly named Stormspirit was made a full medicine cat at thirteen moons- a little early, but Kestrelfeather didn't want him left behind by his littermates. In private, Kestrelfeather would tell him his suffix came from his fiery attitude and strong will, but to everyone else it was a simple "I talk to ghosts." To make up for his early promotion, Stormspirit worked harder than ever to prove himself worth his title.

When he was twenty-four moons, he, Kestrelfeather, Cloudheart, and an older warrior went out to collect herbs- but a coyote attacked them. It was a surprise, as coyotes were rare and neither accompanying warrior had sensed the massive predator. They ran, calling for help. Stormspirit fled for his life, trying to get to their clan and safety. The coyote caught him- slashing his back open. Stormspirit had never felt such a sensation- burning, numbness, pain. The current leader, deputy, and warriors managed to get to him in time- Cloudheart was worse for wear, but the older warrior and Kestrelfeather were dead. Stormspirit went into shock from the blood loss and the events. He was able to take care of his own wounds, but was left with an ugly scar on his back.

For what had happened, Stormspirit was better off than expected mentally. He flinched from time to time when sudden movements were made, thunder scared him, he didn't like being alone. It was understandable, and his clanmates gracefully compensated for him as he fought against his fears.

Stormspirit took up the position of head healer with messy grace and quiet grief. He quickly took up an apprentice, Goldpaw, in an effort to ignore the emptiness the healing den had with his mentor no longer there. The two got on generally well, and Stormspirit didn't have any troubles teaching, despite his irritable attitude. His sharp tongue and attitude rubbed off on Goldpaw, although she turned it into more of a spitfire personality that attracted others rather than how Stormspirit repelled. She grew with time, and soon enough he named her Goldberry. The two would work together for moons before Stormspirit would lose one of his closest friends.

Stormspirit was lucky to call Cinnamonfur his friend. She was kind and benevolent, but unafraid to stick up for herself and wouldn't let Stormspirit be genuinely mean. When she had her only kit, Splotchkit, Stormspirit was right there by her side as her healer and also as her friend. It was less than a moon later that Cinnamonfur would come down with a dibilitating sickness. It was an untreatable disease that left her suffering for moons and nothing he did helped her- she had been very faithful to Starclan and had kept telling him that they would make everything OK so long as she kept faith. Obviously, neither herbs, their gods, or Stormspirit could save her and she died in excruciating pain over the course of weeks. With her death, Stormspirit denounced Starclan and stepped down from his position, leaving Goldberry as the head and only healer. Instead, he raised Splotchkit as his own, becoming a warrior.

As a warrior, he witnessed as Copperstar declared war on Moleclan and dutifully fought while watching as Goldberry patched up the warriors who came back. If they came back. As the skirmishes continued, he would slowly become more vocal in his disagreement, but would never say anything in front of Copperstar or any warrior he knew to be a loyalist to the leader. For all he disliked seeing his clanmates hurt and torn for this war, he knew it was his duty to follow. If the clan needed the land and his leader decreed war was how to get that, he would at least make sure the clan mostly survived from their crusade. As the war went on, Goldberry picked up her own apprentice, Camaspaw. Stormspirit could tell the kit had talent, and let her know he approved her choice- it wasn't up to him, but he wanted her to know he agreed with the choices she had made.

Less than a year after, Viperclan would attend the Gathering that changed it all. Stormspirit watched as the world fell apart. During the Gathering, something happened that had Goldberry experiencing a severe seizure alongside the rest of the clans' high ranks while the remaining cats heard a booming voice rock the sky. He heard the voice in the sky, and a small part of him screamed back that he had no gods, not them or any other. He belonged to no being that claimed to own him. Goldberry would die that night alongside Copperstar, leaving Camaspaw to be the healer and Fleasnap to take up leadership.

The clan looked to Fleasnap to take up leadership, but they refused, shocking Stormspirit. They were duty-bound to carry the clan through tragedy, even at their own loss, and Fleasnap was shirking it as if it was a choice. Stormspirit was also grieving for his lost apprentice, but with anger and betrayal in his eyes, he would stand aside. He would watch as Camaspaw, a kit, take over leadership of the clan as well as his healer duties. He would turn his back in favor of acting as a father/mentor to Splotchpaw.

Time went on, and Stormspirit slowly opened up to the clan through the hard work of Splotchpaw, who was gently sticking to him like a friendly burr. While still more sarcastic and distant than before, it was an improvement from where he had been after the death of Goldberry and seeming betrayal of Fleasnap. Life was normal, but then the cats from twoleg place began coming through. They were fleeing for their lives, and despite his cold shoulder and glaring eyes, Stormspirit hurt for them. At his core, he was a healer, not a warlord. For those that joined Viperclan's ranks, he made sure to teach them what they would need to know to survive.

Moleclan's new leader, Thornstar, had the clan fighting more viciously than ever. More warriors died in battle than before, and Stormspirit could not fight or protect for all of them. Despite his denouncing, Stormspirit patched up cats where he could. He wasn't the healer of the clan by any means, but he had promised to heal the clan and if one patch up would help, he wouldn't hesitate. Camaspaw eventually declared himself as a warrior, Camasthorn, and began to search for an apprentice to train into the healer role. Stormspirit, tired of this seeming game where a child had led the clan, stepped back up to be the clan's healer. It wasn't like the clan was in a position to refuse. He took on Foxpaw as an apprentice immediately, wanting help in the background. She and Stormspirit clashed all the time, though, and with every fight Foxpaw would take longer to return to the healer's den. After a fight concerning the war with Moleclan, she would quit being a healer and become a warrior apprentice.

Eventually, Stormspirit and the clan would elect Adderpetals as their leader. She elected Camasthorn as her deputy. Near-immediately, she would launch a retalitory attack on Moleclan. Stormspirit was personally against it, but he didn't speak up. Foxpaw, then becoming Foxwhisker, was all for it and leapt into the ambush. Stormspirit, knowing how reckless his past apprentice was, chased after when he realized she had run off to join the battle group. Foxwhisker was inexperienced and reckless, and Stormspirit knew in this battle that she would be killed. He got to Moleclan's camp too late, though, and saw a warrior- Rockshade- standing over her bleeding form. The warrior had been readying his killing blow, and Stormspirit didn't hesitate to jump in front. It was only the warrior's own conscience that kept Stormspirit safe from taking the blow, as Rockshade retreated upon realizing a healer stood in front of him. Stormspirit would turn to Foxwhisker, intent on patching her up, only to find her corpse.

Horrified, Stormspirit fully believed that had he only done better at mentoring her, she would still be around. After all, she would have been a healer on the back lines, most likely at camp while the warriors went and died for their clan. If he had just been better, she would have been safe and not dead in a foreign clan's camp. Aside from his own loss, others suffered, with Viperclan killing the Moleclan deputy and driving the other clan from their home. Stormspirit was horrified that they drove kits and elders from their camp, but only accepted it with an icy type of agreement. Not many noticed, but there was regret in his eyes for the choice he made. They lost so much, he lost someone, and Moleclan lost their territory. He didn't want this to happen, but he couldn't bear leadership any longer.

The day Adderstar randomly disappeared, Stormspirit didn't fear for her life. He instead looked to Camasthorn to ensure someone else took on the burden of leadership instead of himself. He didn't like the tom, hated his outlook on religion and even more so the situations that shaped him, but he would rather have a leader than be forced to step in. Adderstar would return, but Stormspirit wasn't sure if he was glad she was safe or loathing that someone who would displace an entire clan returned. Soon after, Moleclan and Viperclan would decide the war over after the newly named Primstar pulled back. Stormspirit didn't think anything from the war could be considered a victory.

base color
secondary color
body type
skinny, long-limbed

  • Don't kill yourself with the stripes, place as you feel.
  • His back scar is across his shoulders and mostly symmetrical.
  • He has walmart brand eyebags.
  • Scruffy.

  • Personality
    CALM: Stoic and collected, nothing really rattles Stormspirit. Even in the face of a spitting leader or a cocky apprentice, Stormspirit can keep a calm face and sound bored. Stormspirit can keep his head and make the right choices. Not much can make Stormspirit lose focus, and even less can have him angry. Sure, he may be a sassy and sharp-tongued prick, but even then he has an acute sharpness and a collected mind. Through moons of being a healer and leader, Stormspirit has honed his mind so that he can stay calm and focused.
    COMPASSIONATE: First and foremost, most would assume Stormspirit doesn’t have a compassionate bone in his body. He rarely shows his sympathy and even rarer is for cats to recognize when he is outwardly compassionate. Able to sympathize with others easily, Stormspirit can tell what others are going through. While a healer, Stormspirit found it in himself to care deeply for the well-being of others, regardless of clan or rank. (Although if one gets on his nerves, he may take longer than needed to get the right herbs.) As time has gone on, this aids him in connecting with his clan. Stormspirit keeps a careful eye on his clan, specifically the younger cats. He knows the feeling of being alone, of feeling loss and pain- he doesn't want others to go through it. Going out of his way to ensure his clan mates are ok both mentally and physically, Stormspirit lives up to his rank, even if he can sometimes be a bit agitating and appear to not care.
    FLEXIBLE: Maybe not so much as in his beliefs, but more along his line of thinking. Stormspirit is willing and sometimes even looks for more unconventional or unexpected paths, as he believes in finding solutions that surprise others. From different techniques in taking care of patients to trying new combinations of herbs, Stormspirit experiments a bit so long as he knows it is safe. He will never do anything if it means putting a clanmate at risk, but if he thinks that his solution could work he will not hesitate. Being able to work around issues and find unique solutions has proven invaluable to him as a healer.
    INTELLIGENT: Smart and cunning, Stormspirit puts his knowledge and abilities to good use. Being able to use things that were considered useless is something Stormspirit prides himself in, as sometimes when herbs were scarce he had to think outside the box. His creative nature lets him come up with some... interesting... remarks, as well as different ways to cure sickness and infection. With a quick mind, Stormspirit can think of multiple possibilities and is always thinking ahead. With how he lacks in strength and the physical aspect of a seasoned warrior, Stormspirit has to constantly keep ahead of his opponents and this has bled into his normal life. Thinking ahead, reading body language, and predicting others has become second-nature to him.
    STUBBORN: Not willing to back down, Stormspirit is bullheaded and willful. He would rather have the last word in a conversation than to walk away. While he does know a losing battle when he sees one, Stormspirit will walk away with a scathing remark that often halts the altercation. Besides just his pride, though, his stubborn nature helps him in his work as a healer. Refusing to give up on a patient has led him to either finding the solution or to discover a new technique for something else. Stormspirit has the hard mindset that nothing is incurable- he will go days without sleep to find the solution. If you have an issue others deem to have no fix, Stormspirit will try his hardest to find the solution.
    OPINIONATED: Heavy in his beliefs, Stormspirit will voice his thoughts. Not afraid to speak up, regardless of who he's speaking to, Stormspirit will outright call someone an idiot if he deems them so. Stormspirit, while knowing when to keep his mouth shut, typically calls things as they come. (With some vulgarity.) He is very blunt and isn’t going to sugarcoat something for a cat he knows can take it. Stormspirit can be trusted to lead the clan with words and facts, his years of experience helping him in the fact cats respect him. While his words may not be what one wants to hear, Stormspirit will speak the truth and remain the reasonable voice in an argument. He only softens his words and keeps his mouth shut for two reasons; he knows the situation will escalate if he speaks or if he needs to break bad news to a young cat.
    DISTANT: Pent up emotions. Period. Stormspirit bottles things up in his 'to be dealt with later' corner but never actually deals with them. From an early age, Stormspirit shoved his own conflicting emotions away so he wouldn't have to deal with them, and never developed healthy coping mechanisms. As a healer, he was expected to put away his personal feelings so he could focus on the task at hand- unfortunately it bled into his regular life as well. He can often be seen as cold, distant, and uncaring because he shoves everything away because he doesn’t want to deal with emotions. Even when dealing with cats he truly cares for, Stormspirit has a hard time showing he cares or even likes them.
    AMORAL: Not exactly a shining example of sticking to the Code or following clan customs, Stormspirit does whatever needs to be done. He follows his own moral code- namely that if it means saving a life, he won’t hesitate in breaking the Code. After living so long with the Code and seeing how it has led to lives being lost, Stormspirit finds that the system is flawed and needs to be fixed. While he understands borders and all that, he doesn’t care. His first thought is to save lives, regardless of clan or actions- or rules. While not necessarily unethical, Stormspirit walks the thin line between what others consider to be law and anarchy. He will listen to his leader, yes, but to tell Stormspirit “no” means you better have at least five good reasons he can’t argue against.
    SECRETIVE: Not one to show his hand, Stormspirit doesn’t give his intentions freely and makes understanding him even harder. Wearing a mask constantly and hiding behind his scathing remarks, one will be hard-pressed to find out what Stormspirit is truly thinking. He hates feeling vulnerable, refuses to show it, and as such he puts up countless walls of dark humor, sarcasm, and fake leads as to his true emotions. It is hard for him to show he cares, or if he feels upset. Much like how he shoves away his emotions to be dealt with later, Stormspirit does the same with his intentions. Most won’t know his plans or his endgame until he shows his hand.


Stormspirit is incredibly loyal to his clan, proud and unwavering. He wants only the best for them, and despite his harsh words they are spoken out of concern. Always putting Viperclan first, there is nothing he wouldn't do to keep them safe and healthy. He is loyal to the clan, but not their leader or deputy.

The Moleclan deputy who killed Stormspirit's past apprentice, he doesn't forgive the tom for what he did. All Stormspirit remembers is the look of death he found in the other tom's eyes, not the mercy he was shown by someone who maybe still believed in the stars and the warrior code.

Write about the relationship here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.

Write about the relationship here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.

  • He believes in Starclan and the Afterlife, but not in that they hold any power.
  • He couldn't care less about outsiders, he lets actions speak louder than blood.
  • Entities exist, sure. The Rift in the sky gave a big fuck you to Starclan so they're chill.
  • Arcane touched cats are real they set the Glee Club (Crowclan) on fire.
  • Any sexuality or romance died with his sense of humor.
  • Lowkey you can bribe him with fish, they're a guilty pleasure.
  • The healer den is very specifically organized, ruin it and suffer the consequences.
  • Feels guilty for what happened to Moleclan.
  • Find his playlist  here 
  • .

: Rain, looking for herbs at dawn, working in the nursery

: Locusts, physical fighting, sorting herbs


Snakefang | Viperclan | Deceased


Skyflower | Viperclan | Deceased


Lizardtail | Viperclan | Alive


Cloudheart | Viperclan | Deceased


Kestrealfeather | Viperclan | Deceased

Apprentice/Adopted Son

Splotchdove | Viperclan | Alive


Goldberry | Viperclan | Deceased


Foxwhisker | Viperclan | Deceased

Item Name


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Item Name


Item description here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra.

Item Name


Item description here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra.

Item Name


Item description here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra.