


1 year, 4 days ago



Freya is a quiet and often reserved arctic fox originally from a mountain village up north. Currently, she lives in a multi-cultural city to "break" from the repetitive, boring life of said village. She works as an apprentice in a sticker printing shop, sometimes drawing up her own concepts as promotional art for the shop. She enjoys sketching in her free time from work but doesn't like to show her personal work to others. On certain days, she meets  up with a group of foxes who dress in kimonos, shrine maiden outfits  and other eastern traditional clothing. The group's main focus is to  embrace the culture and origin traditions of foxes throughout world. This group dress up would awaken her interest in "dress up".

She has a unique fur mutation which give her "snow leopeard" like spots. This sometimes causes people to call her a snow leopard which she really doesn't enjoy. Her tail is longer than the average arctic and seems to be changing its size at random. From its default size to being 4 times larger than her whole body. 

Being arctic from the north, she's very weak under heat, making her easily sweat and dehydrated if she isn't drinking at least every hour. She has short term memory issues but it isn't big enough to be a problem. She's secretly judgemental, passive, bashful and oblivious.

Design Notes

- By default, her front hair is on the left. This can be drawn on either side.

- The heart on her forehead is a strange birthmark. Always placed on her left.

- Special spots:
i. Ring like curve on her left ear,
ii. A ring with sticks coming out on her right arm,
iii. On her right rear cheek in the form of a heart. 

- She has tufts that spread outwards like a "flame" on her wrists and the starting point of her feet,

- A beauty spot on each side of her muzzle.


The cold
Quiet spaces
Dress up
- Alcohol; specifically whiskey, sake, wine, & rum
- Chewing on lollipop sticks
- LOVES Strawberries


The Heat
 Loud, excessive noise

Strangely enough for a fox, she absolutley despises fish.
Meat that's cooked beyond medium well.
Being Mispecied as a snow leopard.

Html code by Coywolfy