Dana's Comments

drum roll ....

and the winner is YukonVI ! Congrats! Thank you to everyone who participated ^^

Faved everything and subbed!

thank you for entering!

tickets 34 - 37!

I fav and sub!

Thank you for entering! 

tickets 32 - 33 

faved +1, subbed +1, faved miwuru +1, faved rajamma +1, bulletin +3

total +7 tickets 

thank you for entering! 

tickets 25 - 31


Faved both characters

Followed on artfight

Thank you for the chance! <3

Thank you for entering! <3

tickets 18 - 24 !

faved raffle, the chars and subbed. thx for chance

Thank you for entering!

tickets 14 - 17

Faved all and subbed <33

thank you for entering! <3

tickets 10 - 13!

Faved all 3, super cute design ^^

thank you! please subscribe as well! it's in the entering criteria, no worries for missing it ^^

Oh sorry haha yeah no I completely missed it 😭 

no problem! thank you for entering!

tickets 6 - 9!

Faved, subbed, and followed your artfight! :> 

thank you for entering! 

tickets 1 - 5!