


6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Millie, Milhouse, Watermelon








5,6'' / 170 cm


Millie is the daughter of Thorny Rose and Ashmedai.  
She was created by Rose from a rose that Ashmedai had gifted her. Not without a reason, however. Ashmedai had been ''messing around'' with Aloe Vera, one of Thorny Rose's angels. As revenge, and also a way to let Ashmedai know she knew, she created Millie, with a minty tint in her hair. She expected a negative response from Ashmedai, but not that he would leave her for it.
Ashmedai had a strong dislike for Millie, and so refused to visit, help raise or even talk to her. Millie grew up with her mother, and grew a yearning for her fathers respect and approval the older she got.
Despite being unaware of her mothers true intentions upon having her, Millie has always had a feeling, which is part of the reason she is so focused on her father rather than her mother.
Now that she's older, she visits Ashmedai and for what its worth, makes contact with him (even though it's mostly her being nagged or ignored by him, but never banned from Rowan).

Millie does not dislike her mother or any of her angels.
On Rowan, when Ashmedai is too busy to give her any attention, she traverses the world with her angels, trying to learn as much as possible from it.

Millie came in contact with Jamaerah, who used to be Ashmedai's childhood bully and is still jealous of him and his success as a Deity, despite his past world having ended badly.
Because Jamaerah has 4 eyes as well, Millie grew interested in a friendship. Millie is not aware of Jamaerah and Ashmedai's past, however, Jamaerah knows very well that Millie is Ashmedai's daughter.
Jamaerah has a very strong attraction to Millie.

Despite having gained the powers of both her parents, Millie is not strong enough a Deity yet to create her own world. She believes that once she is, and creates a world, Ashmedai might finally respect her (to a degree).
Until then, TR got her a right and a left-hand angel, Gabriel and Wens. She loves both very dearly.