Lazarus Shadowhaunt



11 months, 23 days ago

Basic Info

Available for breedings;

OOC only


Name: Lazarus Shadowhaunt | Pronouns: he/him | Age Range: appears late 20's | Orientation: undecided

Lazarus is a ghost. Or, well, it appears that way at first glance. He has always been an exceptional necromancer, as has most of his family line, but his specialty has always been communing with the dead. When his son Binx was about thirteen years old, he accidentally discovered a path into the land of the dead, only to become stuck there. He can send his spirit to the mortal plane in a ghost-like form but he is stuck and not able to bring his physical body back.

Lazarus spends most of his time with his son, and when his son is at school, out, or wants privacy he either retreats mentally back into the land of the dead once more or spends his time watching TV and pretending to eat.