Diariu Regium



11 months, 18 days ago


Diariu Regium, a violet-blooded fantroll for the Pacifist Trial, a fansession.

Name: Diariu Regium

Age: 10.5 Sweeps 

Sexuality: Gay

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 5'11

Blood: Amethyst #8c0c85

Symbol: Indented Cross-Section

Lusus: Many-Eyed Eel

Trolltag: clamorousGasconade (CG)

Quirk: V/v = +V+/+v+

  • Starts and ends each sentence with a capitalized word and will not capitalize any other word in the sentence, regardless of whether or not it's a proper noun.
  • Prone to overusing punctuation marks (.....) (!!!) (????).

Residence: His hive is made of glass and is partially submerged within the beach and the ocean

Illnesses/Disorders: NPD

Mutations: n/a 

Disabilities: n/a

Prospit/Derse?: Prospit

Planet: Land of Storms and Mirrors

Quest: Restore the ruined tomes that contain the planet's sum of knowledge.

  • When the denizen arrived, it brought with it a particularly powerful storm that turned the library it now sleeps beneath to ruins. The tomes it contained were scattered throughout the land and the pages were dampened by the nonstop rain. It is Diariu's job to find all of these tomes and restore the knowledge lost within rain-soaked pages. If that wasn't hard enough, the landscape is made up of giant shards of mirrors that, combined with heavy mist from the storms, make it nearly impossible to see where you are going. Diariu will need to use his intuition and godly powers to make his way through the land and, ultimately, defeat the denizen (or possibly just ask it to leave).

Kernelsprite Prototypings: lusus + broken palmhusk (Eelsprite)

Consorts: Wispy Hummingbirds

Denizen: Thoth (Egyptian god of sacred texts, language, and knowledge)

Server: Ferrau

Client: Averus

Fetch Modus: Intention Modus  

  • How modus works - Diariu must speak for what he intends to use the object for without mentioning what the specific object is. Whether or not he retrieves what he wanted to retrieve is up to the modus. It finds what it believes is best fit for the job.

Strife Specibus: Whipkind

God Tier Title: Seer of Void


  • Matesprit - undecided
  • Moirail - undecided  
  • Auspistice Between - undecided
  • Kismesis - undecided 

Dancestor: Ryudia Regium (Knight of Void)

Ancestor: His Lugubrious Viscount

Tablestuck Stats


  • Strength - 49 (-1)
  • Fortitude - 54 (+0)
  • Agility - 66 (+1)
  • Intellect - 57 (+0)
  • Imagination - 68 (+1)
  • Charm - 83 (+3)


  • GV - 100
  • AV - 11
  • Awareness - 10
  • Defense - 0 
  • MB - 0 
  • EXP - 0 
  • LP - 3

God Tier Info

A Seer of Void is one who invites knowledge through secrets and the unknown and obscure. They are fine with not knowing all of the answers to their questions, merely believing that the searching of the unknown is satisfying enough. The Seer of Void is incredibly analytical, secretive, and excellent at planning and subterfuge. They make excellent strategists.

The Seer of Void is able to see into the void at any point in time and may have trouble controlling this ability. With so many different timelines, they may have trouble choosing the "right" path when it comes to analyzing what they have seen due to the sheer volume of it all.

The Seer of Void carries with them an innate interest in the obscure and tends to be a very creative sort. Interests may include tacky movies and mystery/crime podcasts.

Following inverse class theory, the Witch of Light seeks to actively manipulate information. He may go about his early days by seeking for information and using it to belittle and manipulate others, leading smear campaigns and the such, before coming to realize that fame does not necessarily mean the bringing down of others in the process.


  • perfect night vision and otherwise vision through obstructions
  • otherworldly knowledge of secrets
  • knowledge surrounding dead souls within the void
  • can peer into doomed timelines and dream bubbles
  • able to tell if someone is lying or telling the truth
  • will instinctually know where liquid is located nearby, especially any kind of body of water
  • able to discern where something is most likely to be hidden