Christmas mug



11 months, 16 days ago


Christmas mug

hehim | 47 y.o | straight



A very kind n polite fella! loves making puns n baking. Tries to not be enemies with anyone, will be kind to u even if ur mean to him. But he also gets very attached, a bit too much, to anyone who has a similar personality or voice to his wife. This leads to some very awkward situations... Hes a genuinely very forgiving person, even if he gets really angry he couldn't really harm anyone.

not only hes good at baking ,hes also very good at cooking! tries to improve his dishes whenever he can. Loves to donate the food he makes to local shelters.



"I sould've hugged you thighter the last time i saw you."


He used to have a wife and child. he met his wife when he was around 21, he had just moved to his new home so he could have a new start somewhere, she was a waiter at a restaurant he used to frequent, she was fairly new and their first conversation was when she accidentaly spilled some of his drink on the table. It started as a friendship and ended in a happy 15 year marriage.

Their son had turned 6 the same year he passsed away, this completely devastated them but C.M did his best to stay strong so he could support his wife during all of this. the details of his death are unknown as he avoid talking about it but its asummed it was related to his health or a condition.

7 months after his son passed away their relationship wasnt really the same ,she had become more distant, what had happened changed her. But still C.M patiently did his best efforts to help her heal, both of them them where hurt but showed it in different ways.

But just as things where changing for the best, one day, she just, didnt comeback from work. days became weeks and weeks months and then years.

all that was found was her car and small pieces of ceramic scattered on a forest near where her car was found. the ''rest'' of her was never found but it was pretty obious she would never comeback.

In the present, whenever she gets brought up he joyfully talks about her, will ramble on and on about her and their life together. But he doesnt seem to have gotten over her, he's pretty delusional when it comes to her, over the years he has convinced himself that she's still somewhere, alive and looking for him, since all that was on the scene where small pieces of her ,maybe she's lost ,damaged and confused, all alone.

Design Notes

Cocoa almost always warm
Puts a bag on his head to sleep
Hard to break
Relatively big
Cocoa tastes amazing
Not perfectly smooth, he's old!
Hes made of Porcelain
mittens/clothing optional
