Allister Collins



11 months, 26 days ago


name: Allister Collins

pronouns: he/him

sexuality: bisexual

age: 29

personality: funny, charismatic but also avoidant of uncomfortable or serious topics. He likes to tease his friends in good fun. He acts pretty confident, which he is to an extend but he cracks when people try to have genuine talks with him and closes himself off, which can be infuriating. He never means any harm tho and to the surprise of many actually cares a lot, but he‘s scared to be vulnerable on the outside. Even if he likes taking the easy and chill way, he knows when to put in hard work, unfortunately because of his distance taking he never does it in front of other people so they find him irresponsible. In short, dude just wants to have fun and goofy time, but that sometimes distracts him from taking things seriously if they need to be, even if he doesn’t want it in that moment.

bio: Allister is a cool-headed jokester who enjoys the chill side of (after)life. After his death, Allie decided to just enjoy the fun and easy part of everything, which makes him seem irresponsible to many at first. For that he is pretty charismatic though as he always knows the right words to say to any kind of person, which makes him quite popular at his work, however, he still struggles to form genuine connections. Due to things in his past, he prefers to keep everyone at a distance by avoiding serious or intimate topics with anyone, which seemingly fits his „fun and chill loving“ persona, but in actuality he is scared for people to notice his flaws if they were to come any closer to him. Much so, that he believes it‘ll only drive them out of his life as it did many others. Allie‘s fear of abandonment restricts his trust, wether it be in others or himself. Thus, he‘s basically everybody’s friend but nobody is truly his, except for a couple of people.
This all changed as he met Soren Schuetze, his new work partner at the Chuvstvo (a reaper Agency that manages and guides the souls that come to the Afterlife). At first, his carefree personality and Soren‘s strict and rule-loving nature clashed. Allie held a certain prejudice against him, as he was an angel which meant he came from heaven itself. It‘s what Allie yearns for for his family (his sister Mimi and mentor Theodore) and what he is working for everyday. As explanation, Allie is neither in heaven or hell, he is on the surface. It is a pretty gray place, where the sun doesn’t shine on since the clouds make up heaven‘s ground and thus cover the whole sky, and the ground is pretty warm, since there is where hell is. It‘s the place where people in the „gray area“ (souls who have sinned but with not evil intentions) land when they pass on. Since Allie‘s deeds are hard to judge, he ended exactly here. But he won’t have to be here for all eternity, as all souls of the surface have the chance to work themselves up, by doing good or working for heaven. It‘s the reason why Allie even started working at the Chuvstvo, to gain as much credit as possible and get his close ones up to heaven. However, there is also a risk for the souls of the surface to descend into hell. It‘s when they do crimes or any other public offenses. As heaven‘s eye is always monitoring the surface, by deploying guardians (guardian angels basically) everywhere, Allie‘s fear of doing wrong increases even more.
Anyways, this situation makes him feel inferior to every angel, including Soren. At first his thoughts seem to be validated by Soren‘s stern and unsocial behavior towards him. But after the first mission, Allie slowly notices that his work partner suffers from social anxiety, making him generally uncomfortable with any person regardless of their status. From there on, Allie tries to coach Soren and help him with standing up for himself, as his need for validation makes him easily exploitable to other people.
During the following missions they unintentionally grow closer, Soren‘s rather quick and honest confessions about his own insecurities are very surprising to Allie, as he‘s never been trusted that much from anyone else before. It also makes him reflect on his own flaws. All seems to go well until a certain mission is given the two. More precisely Soren, as the new partner system is only being tested through them, missions are still given to single reapers. For some reason, he does not want to take it, even if it would mean he could lose his job as a reaper. Every client is tied to their reaper, so when the latter declines, the soul might never pass on to the afterlife and become part of the void, the eternal darkness and a great danger to the sun (which is pretty much their god). Allie tries to find out why Soren has such difficulties but is met with anger. The angel doesn’t want to explain anything and just leaves the agency. Shortly after, Allie catches wind of Soren actually going missing. Immediately he searches for him, eventually finding him at a graveyard in the mortal realm (the world of the living people). There he finds out that Soren died in a car accident at a very young age, severely stunting his development into an adult and the reason why he never learned to properly socialize. He also left behind his mother without any explanation, which left him with severe guilt as she was pretty much the only friend he had. Because of that he just can’t bring himself to guide his current client, who is a 8yrs old little girl. After all those years, he never dared to properly grieve about his situation, trying to avoid it or normalize it, even forcing himself to never shed a tear. Thus, Allie starts to comfort him and allow him to just grieve for once, lifting a burden off of himself.
He finally gives in, hugging Allie until he‘s calmed down again. It‘s the first time for Allie to have had such a genuine moment with someone and for the first time he doesn’t seem to be scared of it.
Soren manages to guide his client, even if it was with a heavy heart, but in the end he realizes it‘s an important step for her to move on and heal herself. The two end up returning to the afterlife and realize their affection for each other. They kiss but as Soren accidentally proclaims that he loves Allie, he immediately is flooded with the bad memories of his past relationships and how they‘ve hurt him, causing him to shut off again and frantically leave the scene, even as Soren tries to apologize for his rash words.
They meet again the next day, only for Allie to carefully reject his work partner in terms of anything romantic, explaining his fears of Soren getting close just to potentially leave again and him having used the word „love“ just to protect or profit himself in the past. Allie has had many ingenious relationships in his mortal life, just to suffice for his sister by exploiting a lot of people. After that, all his attempts with real partners, people who meant a lot to him, failed as he lost trust in his own words which always harmed the relationships eventually. He just couldn‘t manage to lose Soren too and would prefer to keep him as a friend. This moment of vulnerability severely stresses out Allie, he also fears coming off as selfish but Soren reassures him and accepts his decision. They seem to make up, but both are deeply upset inside.

(sth major happens here but imma write some time later oof)

After a certain event that causes Allie to give in into his shapeshifting powers, a demonic part of himself he tries to avoid at all cost, he ends up attacking Soren who tried to come to his aid. Soren tries not to hurt him at all costs and manages to get him out of his trance, by removing a parasite that seem to have been planted on him by some third party. As Allie comes to his senses he‘s complete devastated. All his efforts to keep himself distanced from everyone, to not end up hurting them or himself seem to have failed worse than he could have ever imagined. Soren however reassures him that it wasn’t his fault. He‘s certain that Allie is a good person and even if he doesn’t trust in himself, he knows that he trusts him no matter what. It also was his own decision to come to Allie‘s help and also search closure to him. What Allie often forgets, is that no only he himself can decide how people perceive him, so even if he deems himself as unlovable and better off alone, it doesn’t mean that everybody else does. Especially if they don’t even know his whole past, the person that he is right now is his own decision, he doesn’t have to be bond to his past mistakes. He can hold himself accountable and admit to them yes, but not let it pre-judge his future.
This warm reassurance brings Allie to tears and he finally embraces Soren‘s approach.