


11 months, 26 days ago


name: Raphaela

pronouns: she/her

sexuality: pansexual

age: 125 (could you tell??)

description: Raphaela is incredibly calm. She enjoys taking care of her uncountable birds and can actually communicate with them. Her pet pidgeon „Plume“ is her favorite. Raphaela has the ability to see the aura of people trough her birds‘ eyes even though she has lost hers. Thus she can quickly understand their feelings and pains and treat them accordingly. While she mainly is a healer, her combat abilities are quite good. She‘s always been very quick and precise since she was little, but has always preferred making music instead of fighting. Her parents were against it and pushed her to use her abilities even when she didn’t want to, until she almost lost her life in a battle. Since then, she focuses on what she wants. She plays the lyre in her free time and also leaves her ears open for anyone who needs counseling. Since she got her blindness, she‘s gained a new perspective of life - fully sensing and feeling the current moment is utmost important.

bio: (later, I‘ve written sm today oop)