Bumble Barabushuka



11 months, 19 days ago


Bumble Barabushuka 55, mother of 4 other bears (3 sons, 1 daughter) all 39, grandma of 7 cubs of various ages (0-24) Her daughter, Quinn Barabushuka took to delving, and has recently gone off the radar, she doesn't know if she moved away or got in trouble but shes looking to contact her daughter, or track her down and make sure shes okay

Her 3 sons, their families and cubs, and Quinn until recently, all live with her in one large den like house, surrounded by fields of bright flowers and dozens of beehives. Honey and flowers has been the family business for generations of Barabushukas and they've always been blessed with safe temperatures for the bees.

Her husband Barnes is a negotiator for a caravan company that also exports their honey regionally, and is often out on business. Barnes drinks but hes a jolly drunk, and their sons also take care of the bees, and make other products with the honeycomb, wax and honey (Barnes guild merchant, Harvey candle/soap maker, Holmes brewer artisan, Roux cook artisan) their cubs are learning how to take care of the bees and pick up the trades from their parents as Bumble did hers.

Confident that everything at homes under control, and bringing some produce from home to share with her daughter and any friends she makes along the way, bumble takes the time to remember her own prior delving experiences with her own father, before packing up some big knives from the kitchen (shortswords), her most padded dungarees, her steel toe caps and her summer hat (leather armor) along with some produce from home (idk swap my money for honey/mead, baked goods and honey and other shit, maybe fluff rations?) and sets off to go find her daughter. She could just ask in with Barnes's trading company to pass messages between her and home, so grandma's not too far away if she's needed.

Designed for a Beastworld DND session a friends running :3