


6 years, 17 days ago


SCP 4321- Whisper object class- Thaumiel Containment Procedure- ACP 4321 is contained in a 10m by 10m by 6m concret room with wooden grass flooring and sound proof. Undeneath the flooring is a steel gate. Personnel assigned to 4321 are relitivly safe as long as they keep a couple feet away. Personnel are also to put ear plugs in before entering the containment and the special eye wear near the containment door. Personnel are to feed 4321 live animals and refill liquid bowl every other day. Description: SCP 4321 is a canine from the nightmare realm. No one is really sure on how he arrived in this realm. He is approximetly 6ft tall and 10ft long plus 2 ft by tail. SCP 4321 is relativily easy to work with due to the canine dna found within him he seems to have the same personality as one. Caution is still used around him due to 4321 being unpredictable. SCP 4321 is sometimes used to help capture and/or contain other SCPs. He is to be used as a last restort due to testings are still being done. 4321’s tail is to be watched at all times. The tail and 4321 are usually seen whispering to each other. The tail is considered Keter so be warned to keep your distance and never match its eyes with yours. Only 10 hours a day can be spent around SCP 4321 because the whisperings that he creates have been know to make people go insain for a couple days. The people who have been exposed to him for long periods of time have been locked away in isolation for 6 days before being released. Even then they do not come back to their normal selves. Aditional note: Keep happy and under survalience. We are not aware of his strength yet. character worth: $10