♈️Adhara (#116)♈️



11 months, 26 days ago

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ID: #116 MM gravity-celestial 

Adhara lore (WIP) (cut me some slack cause I’m new to making backstories;; )

Adhara was bred and raised by humans in captivity along with a group of other fellow gravity frigids. This group of humans bred, trained and tested these frigids in preparation for wars against other frigids. Many became part of horrid experiments in attempt to create even stronger beings to bring great fear to the frigid eye. After many failed experiments with other typings it was decided to give a shot with a type that’s much closer related to gravity, celestial. Adhara unfortunately got to be the chosen one to go through these tests and experiments. After many painful attempts they were finally able to complete the transition… they have successfully created a frigid that is without its ice typing.. and thus experiment #116 gravity/celestial was created. Adhara had lost most of her memory during her transition and had to be retrained completely in order to officially take lead in many of the battles that were to follow.…. TBC