John (Jhon) Man



11 months, 22 days ago


John Man (or Jhon Man) (he/it) is the current owner of Willow and Becky. He is a spirit that wanted to capture and kill a Resona, but decided that the best way to do so was to disguise itself as a human and adopt one. But instead of killing her, it got too attached to her and started to love and care for her, developing a father-daughter realtionship.

After Willow gave him her Resona Heart and he was able to adopt another Resona, he decided to get Becky out of the hopes that he would be less sympathetic to her. Unsurprisingly, Johns will was weak and he cared for her too. That and Becky started to control all of their finances so doing anything funny could lead to a disaster, but mostly the first thing.

When it was only taking care of Willow, John was homeless and mostly using crime as a way to take care of her. Now, with Becky, it's been trying to get a job out of the hopes that itll be able to rent an apartment. He's been relying less and less on crime as time goes on as well.