Simon (Young)



1 year, 18 hours ago


Full Name: Simon Jemondial
(sī-mon, Jem-on-dī-ôl)
Pronouns: He/him
Age: Around 13-14
Height: 4'3
Species: Tytho (Vampire finch mixed with long-eared bat)
Abilities/powers: None.
Occupation: None
Personality: Simon, unlike the powerful figure he is as an adult, is cowardly, stubborn, and shameful. His father, a notorious serial killer, brought him with for his killings since he was almost 4. When his father was arrested, nobody knew what to do with Simon and in fear of Simon turning out like his father, sentenced him to be locked up in an isolated juvenile prison. Simon escaped the courthouse and found refuge in a desolate forest where he met his best friends, Clau and Chi-xun who would later become his greatest enemy and best asset...

Backstory (summary):
Pose/expression ideas: (Feel free to draw whatever you want! These are ideas if you are not sure)
Crying with his hands over his eyes
Playing a board game with his friends
Sitting alone looking forlorn

Texture: Body is mostly fur (or tiny feathers), brown parts are fur/hair, inner ears/tail/feet are skin, beak is smooth and mostly matte, clothing is cloth