Valdez (Entered Shows)






Like Julia did with Dhruv. Julia slowly introducedVvaldez into the showing environment, starting with conformation. She entered Valdez in the Glistening Pines Holiday Lights Show at  Glistening Pines Ranch in Iowa, USA. 

The Glistening Pines Holiday Lights Show at Glistening Pines Ranch in Iowa, USA, was full of festive lights, bustling with anticipation as exhibitors prepared their dogs for the conformation competition. For Valdez, this marked his new life in the world of dog shows, a significant milestone in his journey of healing and rediscovery.

Julia, with her knack for understanding each dog's unique needs, approached Valdez's introduction to the showing environment with patience and care. She recognized the importance of easing him into the experience, just as she had done with Dhruv, another dog she had successfully rehabilitated and transformed into a show competitor.

The showground buzzed with excitement, adorned with twinkling holiday lights that added a touch of magic to the atmosphere. Julia, by Valdez's side, reassured him with gentle words and soothing gestures. As they navigated through the crowd, Julia's presence provided a comforting anchor for Valdez, who, though initially apprehensive, began to trust the process.

The conformation ring awaited, a spotlight on the intricate details that make each dog unique. Valdez, groomed to perfection by Julia, entered the ring with a newfound confidence. The judge, an experienced and discerning expert, carefully examined Valdez's structure, coat, and overall presentation.

Surrounded by other exhibitors and their dogs, Valdez stood tall, a testament to the resilience that Julia had fostered within him. The judge's evaluation, while meticulous, seemed to unfold in slow motion. Each moment held the promise of a fresh start for Valdez, a chance to redefine his identity beyond the shadows of his past.

As the judge completed the assessment, a sense of accomplishment filled the air. Valdez, under Julia's guidance, had successfully completed his first conformation show. The applause from fellow exhibitors resonated, echoing the shared appreciation for the journey Valdez had undertaken.

The Glistening Pines Holiday Lights Show became a turning point for Valdez, marking the beginning of his venture into the competitive world of dog shows. With each step, guided by Julia's unwavering support, Valdez embarked on a path of triumph over tragedy, proving that even in the dazzling lights of a show ring, the true sparkle lies in the resilience of a dog's spirit and the bond forged with a caring human companion. [345]



It was almost a shame being indoors. It was such a lovely weekend here in Spain; sunny and just warm enough with light breeze. The venue was lovely though and the bright sun was streaming in through the large, high windows and Julia had set them up in a nice sunny spot in the event center, so it wasn't as though they were missing out on the gorgeous weather completely. Maybe they could take a walk together after their time in the ring was over for the day.Valdez was a wash and wear kind of a guy, but Julia enjoyed grooming him for the show anyways. A good bath and blow out, a thorough brushing, trimming a few little flyaway hairs from around his feet, and tidying up his meticulously upkept nails. He had taken some time to get use to nail clippers and grinders after his life as a working dog, where he had kept them short on his own through his day to day work on his old farm. Julia did all these things with care and precision. not because Valdez needed all of them, but because it helped put her in the right headspace to head into the show ring. It was almost like her own little good luck ritual and she felt a little lost at times when she didn't take the time to perform it.As she finished up with grooming, she took a few moments to simply love her dog. Nose kisses were just part of living with her and the dogs quickly became accustomed to them. "You're gonna do great today." she told Valdez, as his tail swooshed through the air happily at her voice. She checked her watch, grabbed his leash, and eased him off the grooming table. "Let's go kick some butt, pretty boy.." [304]




"Valdez, wake up!" Julia gently shakes Valdez, prompting him to stir. 

"Hrmph?" Valdez wakes up, initially startled but soon realizing that it's time for him to leave for the UKC show at Dogwood Canyon. Every show Valdez participates in becomes a wonderful experience for him. With each event, he grows more comfortable in his new environment, living alongside Julia.  

After Julia finished packing up for herself and Valdez, she looks at him.  

 “Are you going to go out there with full confidence and show your sister above that you still got it?”  

Valdez whimpers listening to Julia’s words remembering his sister being reminded that she’s still with her watching above even if he can't see her himself.  Valdez’s sister always did her duties at their old home (the farm) when things got tough and so will he. Determined, Valdez took a deep breath, as if confirming his commitment. He met Julia's eyes with a grateful nod, silently acknowledging the encouragement that fueled his resolve. With his new sense of purpose, Valdez prepared to face the show ahead, knowing that he carried not only his own aspirations but also the spirit of his sister's enduring presence.  

Valdez, like any other dog, never enjoyed the plane rides. Lucky for him and all the dogs Julia takes in, she mentions that her dogs are not suitable to go in the cargo section of the plane; so as long as the dog is quiet enough, they can go onboard the plan as per a person. As Valdez walked on the ramp tunnel to board the plane, he greeted the pilot at the door. Julia saw Valdez excitably licking the pilot’s hand as if Valdez was being wished good luck for the show ahead. Julia laughed happily and took a hold of Valdez again to coax him to walk to their seats. Right as the plane took off, Valdez laid down to sleep through the flight so he could get ready for the experience ahead so he could show everyone why Julia took a chance on him. Even if she wasn’t physically with him knowing his sister was watching over him, he felt as if he could conquer anything. [364]




After Valdez's last three shows Julia decided to give him a more difficult challenge. Julia entered Valdez into the Crufts show in Solihull, England.  

As they boarded the plane to head over to England, Valdez's tail wagged eagerly, sensing the adventure ahead. Julia smiled, knowing that this would be their biggest challenge yet.

His days were once filled with the simple pleasures of herding cattle alongside his sister, their bond unbreakable as they navigated the vast expanse of the ranch together. But tragedy had torn them apart, leaving Valdez adrift in a sea of grief and loss.

Julia's support and compassion had been the light in Valdez's darkest days. Under her care, he had slowly begun to heal, finding solace in their shared moments of training and companionship. Now, as they stood on the threshold of their biggest challenge yet, Valdez couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the second chance he had been given.

After Julia signed him in Valdez only now knew that the conformation ring awaited them. As always Julia had many hours grooming and training him for this moment, ensuring that every aspect of his presentation was flawless.

As they entered the ring, Valdez held his head high, his sleek coat gleaming under the bright lights. The judge's eyes swept over him, assessing his form and movement with a critical eye. Valdez stood tall and proud, his spirit unyielding despite the weight of his past.

With Julia's guidance, Valdez moved gracefully around the ring, his movements fluid but strong. Each step was clear to the bond they shared, a silent acknowledgment of how far they had come together.

As the judge began to make their rounds, Valdez held his stack pose, his gaze steady as he watched them approach. The clicking of cameras filled the air, the flashing lights momentarily blinding him as spectators captured him as an image. Despite the distractions, Valdez remained focused, his attention unwavering as he followed Julia's subtle cues. With each passing moment, he felt a growing sense of confidence, knowing that he was giving his best performance. [349] 



Julia thought it was time to start getting Valdez comfortable with being in a farm setting again. Occasionally she drove him around farms for him to get used to the mixture of smells, but he hasn’t set foot on a farm since the accident which his grief had him given to Julia. Not only that, Valdez’s owner replaced his sister with another border collie with the assumption it would help which only left Valdez with rage and betrayal from his owner. 

As they arrived at the farm where the conformation show was being held, Julia could sense Valdez's apprehension. The memories of his past were still fresh in his mind, and the thought of returning to a farm filled him with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. 

As they arrived at the farm where the conformation show was being held, Julia could sense Valdez's apprehension. The memories of his past were still fresh in his mind, and the thought of returning to a farm filled him with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. 

As Valdez entered the fenced in field for the conformation show, Julia could see the transformation that had taken place within him. With all the anxiety fading, he moved with grace and confidence, his every step a testament to his inner resolve. 

The familiar sights and smells of the farm surrounded them, but this time, Valdez faced them with a newfound sense of calm. Julia had worked tirelessly to help him overcome his past traumas, driving him around farms to acclimate him to the environment and patiently guiding him through moments of anxiety and fear. And now, as they stood together in the field, she could see that her efforts had paid off. 

Valdez stood tall and proud knowing his sister was above watching him. With his coat gleaming in the sunlight he moved gracefully around the field. Julia watched with pride as the judge approached, their eyes scanning Valdez with a critical gaze. But Valdez remained unfazed, his focus unwavering as he showcased his unique qualities and attributes. [342]




Continuing from the Conformation show of this Farm Dog Festival show, Julia figured that while they were here, she decided it was time to sign Valdez up for a herding trial. Julia knows it’ll be a huge step for Valdez.  

Julia had always been aware of Valdez's background as a skilled herding dog, his early days on the ranch instilling in him a natural instinct for managing livestock. Despite the tragedy that had struck his past, she believed that this would be a chance for Valdez to reconnect with his roots and showcase his true talents.  

As she approached the registration booth for the herding trial, Julia's heart swelled with pride. She knew that this would be a huge step for Valdez, a chance for him to prove himself in a setting that truly honored his abilities. 

As Julia and Valdez entered the arena for the herding trial, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. Valdez's heart raced with excitement, but as he caught sight of the sheep in the distance, a wave of memories crashed over him. Suddenly, he wasn't in the arena anymore—he was back on the ranch, alongside his beloved sister, working together as a team. 

Julia gave the command he’s been taught since the beginning, but Valdez hesitated, his mind consumed by thoughts of his sister and the tragedy that had torn them apart. He barely registered Julia's voice as she tried to guide him through the course, his focus shattered by the flood of memories that overwhelmed him. 

As the time ticked, it became painfully clear that Valdez was not ready for this challenge yet. His movements were hesitant and unfocused, his attention constantly drifting back to the past. Despite Julia's best efforts to redirect him, Valdez couldn't shake the memories that held him captive. [300]




 His nerves were like those pesky mosquitos that buzz around your ear and no matter how hard you try, human or dog, you just can’t kill the sucker. They never leave, either. You could spend hours trying in vain to get rid of them, but they’re just relentless! How do you battle nerves that threaten your possible success? The space allowed to him was narrow and it made his heart beat thunderously. He knew that normally, dogs were afraid of thunder, but not him. He was afraid of what his fears would do to him. Would it set him back in his healing process? He shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He then huffed out a nervous breath, and swallowed a big lump of nothing.

Looking up at his confident handler, he looked ahead and chose an inconspicuous thing to stare at to regain his composure. After what felt like years passing, his next step faltered and he felt embarrassed. He regained his composure, thinking that perhaps the mindless staring impacted his eyesight. He shook his head again to clear the cobwebs, and did a few fancy steps to be sure that his mind was clear.
At that moment, he felt a gush of wind and swore he felt a cold wet tongue on his face. He knew he was in the great paws of his sister who was keeping a wary eye on him. She wouldn’t let him fail. He could lean on the memories of his past to rocket him into a brighter future.
Julia patted his head and ruffled his ears, knowing that he’d likely need some positive touch and affirmation

“Ready for this, boy?” She asked him, confidently.

Was he ready for this? He channeled his sister once again, then looked up at Julia with a look that said, why yes. I’m ready. Let’s do this thing. [313]




After Valdez’s bad experience at the Farmdog Festival, Julia still decided to take a step back and decided do more conformation work to regain his confidence. She knew that participating in conformation shows would allow Valdez to showcase his beauty and breed standards in a less stressful environment, helping him regain his sense of pride and accomplishment.

She knew that participating in conformation shows would allow Valdez to showcase his beauty and breed standards in a less stressful environment, helping him regain his sense of pride and accomplishment.

Despite the pressure and prestige associated with the Westminster Dog Show, Julia felt that it could be the perfect opportunity for Valdez to regain his confidence and show the world what he was truly capable of. With his striking appearance and unique charm, she believed that Valdez had the potential to make a lasting impression on the judges and spectators alike.

With determination in her heart, Julia quickly filled out the entry forms for the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, ensuring that Valdez would have the chance to shine on one of the biggest stages in the dog showing world. As she submitted the forms, a sense of excitement filled her, knowing that this could be the beginning of a new chapter for Valdez—one filled with success, recognition, and most importantly, renewed confidence.

As the day of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show approached, Julia and Valdez boarded the plane bound for New York City, the excitement palpable in the air. Valdez, ever the perceptive pup, seemed to sense the significance of the journey ahead, his tail wagging eagerly as he settled into his seat beside Julia.

The flight to New York was a whirlwind of anticipation and preparation. Julia took the opportunity to review Valdez's grooming and practice their show routines, ensuring that they would be ready to compete at their best when they arrived at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Flushing, New York. [326]



After completing the conformation portion of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, Julia and Valdez moved on to the obedience ring with determination in their hearts. Julia knew that while Valdez had faced challenges in the past, he had also shown a willingness to learn. 

As they entered the fenced in obedience ring, Julia could feel the weight of anticipation settling over them. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as they prepared to showcase Valdez's obedience skills to the judges and spectators that stood on the other side of the white fence. 

With a confident command, Julia signaled for Valdez to begin, and he moved with grace and precision, his focus unwavering as he executed each task with ease. From heeling to recall, Valdez performed flawlessly, his obedience a testament to the bond he shared with Julia and the countless hours of training they had dedicated to this moment. 

As they moved through the exercises, Julia couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in her chest. Valdez had come so far since his challenging experience at the Farm Dog Festival, and she knew that this was his chance to shine on one of the biggest stages in the dog showing world. 

With each task completed, the judges nodded in approval, impressed by Valdez's obedience and Julia's skillful handling. And when the final results were announced, Julia felt a surge of joy as Valdez was awarded top honors in his class. 

When they left the obedience ring, surrounded by applause and congratulations, Julia wrapped her arms around Valdez in a tight embrace, a silent celebration of their journey together. They had faced challenges and overcome obstacles, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever before. 

And as they walked away from the ring, Julia knew that this was still just the beginning of his new life. With Valdez, there was no limit to what they could achieve, and she couldn't wait to see where their journey would take them next. [329]