


10 months, 28 days ago


Name: Yakumo

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Race: Zonai

Weapons / Abilities: Being a Zonai, Yakumo is blessed with great magical prowess- focusing heavily in the dark arts. Her affinity to dark magic was always a red flag to the others of her kind, but she was still allowed to expand upon her gift so long as she never turned against her people. As such, she dedicated much of her time to perfecting her art- often dipping into forbidden spells in secret that the Zonai who visited the surface spoke about. These spells allowed Yakumo to craft her signature ability- creating shadowy clones of herself. While they are weak, they serve as a means of distraction and can fight on their own- though they often even weaker in daylight. Generally they can buy her enough time to conjure other forms of her magic, including shadowy projectiles which can vary in size- though the larger she makes them, the great toll they have on her body- or even pillars of darkness that can trap others. The effects of her magic are quite similar to the effects of Gloom- weakening those who are touched by it. However, unlike Gloom, Yakumo's magic is more controlled and if she desired she could negate its effects from even existing- allowing it to have an opportunity to be used for less evil matters if she so desired. Also, much like other dark arts, her magic is naturally amplified during the night and weakened during the day- with the exception of dark places, including the Depths, never having a change in her magic's strength.

Weapon wise, Yakumo does not carry any weapons on her being, though she has been known to toy with Zonai devices and bring them alive with her own magic rather than using charges and the like. When she does this, it often changes the device to give up a strong, purple aura instead of the usual green. Weaponry often changes as well. Beams or even flames change to match her magic's output, making it very obvious that she has toyed with the device. As such, she isn't afraid to use the technology of her people when necessary and finds it far more useful than any weapon.

Personality: Yakumo was always an odd individual. Having been born with darker powers, she had always been seen as an outcast and as such, treated as one. Most did not pay her much attention, causing her to become reclusive and quiet as she aged. Despite being a loner of sorts, some did respect her purely for the intelligence she possessed. Her mind was a gifted one, often crafting new ideas and finding creative solutions to her problems. Her mind made her a curious individual, always hungering for more knowledge and new information- even daring to dive into the unknown or forbidden in search for it. These things did twist her, causing her to become obsessed in her pursuit, which concerned others. In some ways, she was merely a "crazy" researcher, but her ways did cause hostility to rise in her. Being told no was something she always struggled with and it put her at odds with her people more times than not. It cast her even further away from their ideals and beliefs, though Yakumo was fine with that. She has little regard for the view others have on her, and always will pursue her own path even if it goes against what others perceive is good. Some might claim she seeks power, but she has no interest in such things. She simple desires to push limits and is willing to help those who can see or agree with her visions. While not a bad person at heart, her tendencies have always led her down darker paths and drawn her to others who always dip into the dark arts. This has made her susceptible to being manipulated by those of similar powers, but often she does not care. Her lack of regard for others or even herself makes her dangerous. However, if one was able to actually break past all of this, they might find the lonesome Zonai that Yakumo truly is. They would see a brilliant tactician with a strong thirst for new knowledge, all hidden away behind the veil she was forced to put up in her youth.

History: Hailing from a time before the Kingdom of Hyrule even existed, Yakumo was born in a time when many Zonai still existed. A young, brilliant Zonai, born with dark magic- never allowed to have a secret stone that would amplify her powers. She was a loner among her people and often stayed hidden away, even being told she wasn't allowed to descend upon the surface and interact with the people of the world below. Despite this, a young Yakumo dedicated herself to her studies and proved to be a genius even in her early years. Some respected her for this, but even with the ideas she brought forward to her people, many of them were still wary of her magical abilities. Those that did respect her though often brought her information from the surface, allowing her to learn and research many things regarding the ancient races of the world. The more information they brought her though, the hungrier she became for more. It caused her to develop an uncontrollable need to learn- a drive that never seemed to be quenched no matter how much she studied.

After nearly a decade of research and piecing together the findings of others, Yakumo decided to go against her people and descend to the surface to explore it herself. This was only the beginning of her going down the wrong path. When she arrived on the surface, there was much for her to explore and discover. It would take her far too many years to go through it all, but she dedicated herself to it nonetheless- often ignoring the pleas of her brethren to return home. She had no desire to return. This caused other Zonai to try dragging her back, which set her further apart from her people and put a rift between them- one that would likely forever cause her to stray down a dark path. The more others tried to interfere with her, the more hostile and bitter she would become. Over time she became overly aggressive towards anyone who tried to slow her, even if it was for logical reasons- like danger. Her mind had become warped by her pursuit of knowledge, opening the doors for others to take advantage of her. That was exactly what was to come.

During an excursion to the Temple of Time, Yakumo would encounter a Hylian mage who spoke of traveling time. To any ordinary individual it would have sounded like nonsense, but to her, it was a new topic to research. Manipulation of time was no new topic to the Zonai. Individuals had shown the capability to control time, though not to the extent this individual spoke of. As such, Yakumo would dedicate the next few years delving into the topic and searching out others who might be able to pull off such a thing. However, her research would lead her down a path she would have never expected- one that would bring her to modern times.

This would only occur due to a rift in time being created when Zelda went back in it. This rift was something Yakumo miraculously was able to pick up on in her own time- despite the princess' destination being nowhere near her own time. Even so, she didn't let the opportunity slip her by. Putting no thoughts into the consequences it might have, the Zonai jumped straight in. During her travels she blacked out, but soon enough, she found herself in the present day Kingdom of Hyrule.