


10 months, 12 days ago





Name Nuri
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Age Young teen
Sexuality Unknown
Species Vier Dragon
Occupation None
Residence None
Theme Song Keala Settle - This Is Me

"Congrats! You get 10 points!"


Nuri is negative, moody and snappy young male. His past is constantly haunting him, and he has big self-esteem issues due to him being a mix-breed, and other dragons generally not liking them. Deep inside he is a capable young man who has a good head on his shoulders. Too bad that head has been filled with so much self hate to make any use if that...


Nuri is a young male dragon with four legs and two wings. He is lean in build, but not exactly super skinny. He has purple scales with dark blue markings. His eyes and the scales on his paws and inner wing-membrain are teal. He has single row of white spikes starting from his forehead, leading all the way down to his tail. The tip of his tail has two bigger spikes on them. His wings are still too small for flying, but are growing normally. He has two small, thin scars on his neck.



Nuri's mother loved her son greatly, but her decission to let Nuri live with his father instead caused the young male be abused both mentally and physically for years. This caused Nuri to lose his trust towards his mother. He knows his mother didn't do it deliberately, but can't face her anymore either way.


Nuri hates his dad the most in the world, due to his abuse. He wishes he will never meet him again.


A elderly dragon Nuri met after his self-exile that helped him with his injuries. He mostly sees the elder dragon annoying as he wishes to be left alone.


Nuri was born to a Fire-clan mother and a Water-clan father, thus making him a mix-breed and disliked by the older population of his birth-clan. Seeing her son's saddness, Nuri's mother sends him to live with his father. Despite Nuri's life being pretty good in the Water-clan otherwise, his father's abuse only gets worse. Eventually the father is caught in act and exiled. After this, Nuri's origin is discovered by his new friends and they turn against him. Nuri decides to leave the Water-clan and live on his own from there on.


Nuri's name means "little flame", which is also his mother's nickname for him.

Nuri has attributes from both of his parents: he can breathe fire like his mother and breathe underwater like his father.