Meniah Sailum



1 year, 2 months ago


One of the 12 Pendant Trolls trapped in Kiplin's necklace alongside Permia, Krinon, Jinjil, Foline, Popolu, Cryana, Mikuro, Hillan, Whilin, Loopus, and Brilin.
She was betrayed and killed by Demrix to fuel the Blood Bath.
She is bonded to the Zeta Troll Zyriee.

Name: Meniah Sailum
Age (sweeps): 9 sweeps
Blood Caste: Cerulean
Title: Sylph of Doom
Weapon: Two Sculpting Knives
Lusus: Fairy
Handle: speckledRainbow [SR]
Typing Quirk: Starts with ,;"' and ends with '";, and will place random periods and commas throughout the sentence
Personality: Very artsy and pretty much a normal, basic troll.
Appearance: Wears cutoff jean shorts and a black tank. Usually also caught wearing her painters smock covered in drops of every colour out there. Her hair is almost always in a ponytail and has some hair hanging down her face. She also wears flip flops. Two ringed earrings in both ears.
Backstory: She has matespriteship feelings for Hillan.
When the New World was created, she was reborn as a human with all her memories intact.