Herz ♡



10 months, 8 days ago


Name : Herz
Age : 18
 Birthday : April 10th
Height : 178cm - 5.83 ft
Gender : Male (he/him)
Sexuality : Bisexual
Species : Inkling
Occupation : Leader of a competitive team (SharpCards SC)

Rank : S+40 (X Rank Power : 2472.3)
SR Rank : Overachiever
TTurf Rank : Level 90


- Competition.
- Winning.
- His team.
- X Rank & any ranked mode.
- Admiration & being praised.
- Skateboarding.
- Bright & pastel colors (especially pink).

- People who think they're better than him.
- Losing (obviously).
- Rainy weather.
- Being bored & tired.
- Solo queue.
- Salmon Run.


- E-Liter 4K (main)
- Hydra Splatling
- Explosher


- Dia (friend, teammate)
- Trèfle (friend, teammate)
- Ace (friend, teammate)
- Nara (friend ? teammate ?)
- Goob (acquaintance)


Silly stuff about him :)
- Creator of the SharpCards SC.
- Eldest player in the team.
- Skater boy™.
  -> The scars on his face and on his left hand come from skateboarding accidents.
- Unshakeable. He could get hit by a car and he'd just sit there, completely unbothered, like "oh man...well, that's not good is it, lol..."
- Puts stickers everywhere.
  -> Customized his E-Liter 4K by adding stickers on it.
  -> Also asked Dia to paint the blue parts in hot pink.
- "Empathy ? What's that ?"
- Hates cutting his hair.
  -> Really long hair (mid-thigh length).
  -> Ties it up in a ponytail before battles so it doesn't distract him.
- Has NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder).
- Mostly plays X Battle and Anarchy Battle when he's not training.
   -> Easily gets mad at his random teammates when they make -what he thinks are- bad decisions.
   -> WILL complain and argue with them if they end up losing.
   -> Got queued with Goob once. They won the match despite having two chargers on their team.
- Impulsive.