


11 months, 22 days ago


Nyx [Epoch? Hong? One is their actual last name, one is one given to them as a placeholder. Either works.] 


Child of Monroe Epoch and Thea Vegas. Sullen, paranoid, and skittish, they only recently broke out of their containment chamber. Her memory is a tangle of dozens of lives, and they aren't sure which one is theirs. They do know one thing for certain, though: all of this is Epoch's fault. And now they're out for revenge. 

Here's the basic gist of what happened to them. Her mother started research into restoring and preserving memories in a physical form. Their mother was successful, thanks to funding from their father. Horray! Project Nemo, as it was called, was then used to extract memories from murder victims and bring their killers to justice. However, when a case surfaced that would have implicated a major financial supporter of Epoch Hospital, Monroe told Thea to delete the memories and just act like the machine had malfunctioned. Thea refused to do this, and after their fight turned physical, Nyx ended up witnessing something no one should have to. 

So then, Monroe had to get rid of this witness. But he couldn't bring himself to kill his kid, even though he never really cared all that much for her. But the Nemo machine sure is running low on memory space, isn't it? So with a little top-secret work, the machine is now running better than ever! 

Yeah Nyx was used as a human computer and was forced to live through countless murders in a first-person view and was only able to escape after the project lost funding and the machine degraded enough to for them to wake up and bust out of it. This has had plenty of effects on her psyche, absolutely none of them positive. They are absolutely terrified of crowds of people and being in public in general. They only trust one person; that being Zander, who stumbled into her shortly after her initial escape and realized they were both on roughly the same trail- Zander investigating Epoch hospital's strangely high mortality rate, and Nyx investigating exactly what the hell their father did and then... well, probably kill him. They haven't thought that far ahead yet.