


10 months, 10 days ago


Local catgirl going to the same university as Isaac, everyone assumes shes rly dedicated to the fake ears, but she's a real catgirl lol.

She used to be self conscious about her ears until she realized ppl didnt believe they were real, so at the small cost of seeming a bit cringe she just has em out most days(still wears a hat sometimes but more for fashion than hiding)

She's a nice girl who gives good advice, big sister type, with a penchant for teasing her friends. 

She's a fashion student, she loves many different styles and tends not to stick to just one aesthetic, and she often trades clothes with Spike! 

She's the tallest in the group, and even then she still wears heels and platform boots for vibes. 

She can't actually see Rei, but cat senses allow her to sense his presence and sometime catch the end of a sentence if he's speaking, but not much more than that. At most she'll be able to tell if he walks in/is in the room when she enters.