Matteo Hunter (EO)'s Comments

Hi! For this character I can offer ocs from my up for offers folder, but you can also look through my th and find others you like, though I will be tent on them. Fully off limits is the characters with the “DONT” in their description!


I would love to try to offer trades :) prefered would be a character with similiar monetary worth. These characters I'm actively searching to rehome:

This is the more pickier folder, I can deline here. The miloudee folder in feral IS NOT FOR TRADE though sorry:

Thanks for looking :).

Hello! First off, I'm so terribly sorry for taking so awfully long to respond— I've barely had time to check TH these past few days! Thank you for your patience omg, again I'm so sorry 🥹🫶

On another note, you have a whole bunch of lovely and diverse characters — however, I sadly don't see myself using any of them! Thank you so, so much for the offer, though 🤍

No worries I know reallife keeps us busy sometimes, thanks for taking the time to look through! :)