
11 months, 1 day ago

Basic Info


Lv. 8
unknown.png #??? - Potten Dark Poison
HP 23 Speed 12
Attack 11 Defense 11
Sp. Atk 15 Sp. Def 6
Rash nature. Somewhat stubborn.
Ability: Aftermath Held Item: None
Leer Normal
Status - Power: -- - Accuracy: 100%
The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers their Defense stats.
Torment Dark
Status - Power: -- - Accuracy: 100%
The user torments and enrages the target, making it incapable of using the same move twice in a row.
Poison Gas Poison
Status - Power: -- - Accuracy: 90%
A cloud of poison gas is sprayed in the faces of opposing Pokémon, poisoning those it hits.
Smokescreen Normal
Status - Power: -- - Accuracy: 100%
The user releases an obscuring cloud of smoke or ink. This lowers the target’s accuracy.

I'm gonna be the best guard EVER!!!

Very young and filled with an energy completely incomprehensible to anyone who currently resides in the Tides of the Moon, Kalen found his way to the group when he was much younger. He had a very rough home life when he was freshly hatched- his family didn't spare him any second thoughts the moment he hatched- he was a dark Potten, filled with stars and glitter. Wrong, his parents would tell him. Ah, but they would regret saying that to him! They would regret it all!

It didn't take much to convince him to be a Tide of the Moon. Though he would only say it was to enact revenge on his birth family, the truth was that he wanted to be a part of a group that actually took care of each other and care about one another, something his family never did for him. He would be found frequently staring at the night sky, watching the stars and the moon, and during the day he could be found near the barracks, watching some of the other members train to become Guards, something he wantedd to do someday. He just needed to get stronger and evolve first!