


11 months, 21 days ago


The timid voyager

Name Serendibite
Age Young adult
Alias Minty
Gender Agender
Sexuality Undefined
Pronouns he/they
Role content
Species Lapid

Design notes
  • Serendibite's teeth are made of diamonds
  • Their hardness is 6.5 to 7 on Mohs scale, making them quite hardy.
  • Can shapeshift freely, horns must be featured in all forms.
  • May be drawn w/ Lemon demon merch
Reference Here

A shy yet vivacious and enthusiastic explorer, Minty once left everything to seek his future in the comfort of the wilderness. Serendibite's persistence has allowed them to familiarize themselves with even the most secluded corners of not just lapid island, but its surrounding areas as well.

Nowadays Minty mainly sticks to himself, seldom getting to know fellow explorers they cross paths with. They mainly stick with their loud (and sometimes mean) yet warm and attentive friend Mitarin, stirring up as many shenanigans as they can manage.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent


The tall grass and fields of Lapid island taught the dragon how to move in complete silence, without alerting anybody nearby. This allows Minty to stalk wildlife and potential threats safely, as long as they have some natural protection around them. Their gem parts allow them to blend with bushes, grass and greenery whilst their pale white back makes it easy to hide in snow during the winter.

Tail whip

Combat may not be Minty's strongest suit, yet he's skilled at defending himself. He's not only capable of swiftly evading blows coming his way, but is also skilled at tripping over his opponents


Like all lapids Minty was raised by the alchemist Venus Dante, who fed him serendibite stones and took care of him whilst he was growing up. Although they felt a strong connection with their creator, they also spent plenty of their time studying their lapid peers' behaviors and playing around the island with them. The lapid would never wander too far, however, and whenever their buddies were busy the dragon would watch birds and bugs in the nearby woods. Watching the sunset was also a calming activity for him, which would turn into a form of ritual as they'd freeze in the middle of an activity and tilt their head in delight towards the golden, melting disc rolling past the horizon.

As he grew further he noticed Venus could no longer spare the time he once had to look after him, and their energy didn't have much of an outlet anymore - most of his peers would seek their own adventures overseas, and the alchemist himself was too occupied raising smaller lapids and dealing with his personal affairs. Minty walked aimlessly on long walks across the island, lending his peers a hand every now and then, yet nothing could really grab their complete interest.

Eventually the lapid made the decision to find his own place in the untamed wilderness, saying his last goodbyes to Venus and leaving his former home in search of the great unknown.


  • Lapids are actually mechanical bodies inhabited by souls!
  • Minty occassionally likes to paint red markings on his face, Mita refers to this as their 'warpaint'. Serendibite just thinks it looks neat
  • They actually like mint!

Aesthetic Naturecore
Alignment True neutral
Virtue Diligence

Designer Echrios
Obtained via Gift
Status Forever homed
Value ---

best friends

Mitarin is often loud and even belligerent, which most certainly contrasts the lapid's shy nature. In spite of this the two rather enjoy hanging out and getting in loads of trouble, which they surprisingly often manage to sort out by themselves. Being Minty's first ever true best friend, Mita holds a special place in their heart (platonically)


As their fellow explorer Anemoculus and Serendibite share a lot in common, although Anemo's often a lot more assertive than Minty is. They often have to repeat Serendibite's requests in case they've been left unanswered, and would happily jump at the opportunity to protect their friend. As much as Minty dislikes participating in fights, they often assist Anemo in disarming their enemies and further confusing them. Not many outside of their friend circle are aware of his huge contribution towards Anemo's weapon knowledge, putting together a journal just for his friend.


Minty and Calamity once met during their travels, quickly becoming friends thanks to her much more outgoing and extroverted persona. Her excitement balances out their own timidness, allowing them to become close despite their differences.


Riot and Minty paradoxically met after Minty's own initiation - hard for even the lapid himself to believe, they approached Riot in the local cafe as they hoped to ask him of his thoughts on the city's environmental collapse. Evwer since the two have stuck together through thick and thin.