Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


You will find

>Babyfur/Kidfur/Littlefur Artwork
>Diapers (Clean ONLY)
>Themes of Age Regression, Nostalgia and Trauma

All my artwork is SAFE FOR WORK and CLEAN. I do not and will never draw NSFW or Dirty/Messy artwork.

Age Regression is a Coping Mechanism resulting from a broken childhood. I am giving myself the love and care I should have received growing up.
Please just block me if You would prefer not to see these themes.

Because the content posted here can derive from my own traumas and mental health, I block people liberally and without explanation. Unless we are friends and I have blocked out of the blue, please never try to block evade and ask why I blocked you. I have Schizophrenia and other Paranoia-Inducing conditions that make it hard for me to trust blindly. 

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!