Gilligan Wake



6 years, 4 months ago


Gilligan is an amiable and friendly sailor, fisherman and tradesman. he lives in a boat house connected to the shore, but often stays on his boat for weeks on end at sea. he quite enjoys his travels and often goes to other places via sailing. he also catches and trades rare fish in at various marketplaces, so he makes quite enough to get by. his life is pretty simple but he doesn't seem to mind, in fact, he rather enjoys it. he's never really wanted anything too complex in life, but he does hope to be able to get a bigger boat someday to travel even farther. he's got a huge case of wanderlust and wants to see the world and all of the ocean in his lifetime. he's very chatty and friendly and loves the company of others.

     ► amiable - friendly - talkative - affectionate
     ► unworried - lovable - honest - eager to please
     ► optimistic - thoughtful - selfless - nurturing
     ► pacifistic - warm - patient - works well under pressure

hobbies | interests | likes 
     ► fishing - cooking - sailing - the ocean
     ► typical ocean sounds - sea salt - salt rocks
     ► cookouts - grilling - swimming - sunbathing
     ► fish - nautical designs - interior decor - affection
     ► talking - pretty sunsets - manta rays - grilled food
     ► sea shanties - singing - playing the fiddle

     ► Gilligan is an amiable sailor. he lives in a boat house but often spends his time out at sea on his boat.

     ► he spends a lot of his time fishing, sunbathing and just enjoying his time out at sea.
     ► he plans to eventually get a bigger boat and sail the seas with a partner if he ever gets one.
     ► he prefers a simple life and doesn't want anything too complex.
     ► isn't very materialistic but he's protective over his boat and gets distressed over it getting damaged.
     ► is a mix of chubby and muscular- very physically strong and good at lifting weights, heavy boxes / cargo, etc.
     ► likes to go swimming in the ocean / salt water in general- doesn't like fresh water swimming as much.
     ► loves striped things, anchors or anything nautical in design- his whole house has a nautical / beach theme.
     ► his eyesight in his right eye is fairly poor- he can see out of it still but it's kind of blurry.
     ► he has a few scars from boat accidents and wrestling large, dangerous sea creatures.
     ► enjoys swimming in coral reefs.
     ► loves sharks and dolphins and likes to swim with them when he sees them.

     ► pretty selfless and unworried- it's hard to get on his nerves, bad side, etc, and he'll do anything for loved ones.
     ► has a 'sink or swim' anchor tattoo on his left shoulder.
     ► likes to show off his muscular arms.
     ► redheaded and freckled- has lots of hair on his arms / chest / tummy as well.
     ► has had top surgery and has been on hormones for a long time- no interest in bottom surgery.
     ► always smells like sea salt / the ocean.

     ► gets homesick if he can't see the ocean from where he's been for a while- never goes too far inland.
     ► makes enough money to get by comfortably- his pay isn't huge but he's fine with that.
     ► they arent but his hooves appear golden and shiny.
     ► his hair is very curly and soft- he doesn't brush it, it kind of just does that.
     ► has otter-esque ears.

     ► very confident in his strength and proud of how he currently looks.
     ► hard to upset in general and seems overall happy most of the time.
     ► prefers to keep a good mood so he can cheer up people around him / be a good influence on people.
     ► seems to be oblivious to peoples rudeness to him if it's not blunt enough, or he just doesn't care.
     ► can hold his alcohol very well- loves getting drunk at bars with people he meets whenever he docks.
     ► has lots of friends he writes to and visits that he met through sailing, including a few pirates (especially a certain one 👀).

     ► enjoys bubble baths a lot- thinks they're relaxing. sometimes falls asleep in the tub.
     ► has a huge sense of wanderlust- can't stand being in one place for too long and wants to travel the world.
     ► thinks merfolk are gorgeous and loves the mythology surrounding them.
     ► has a pretty mermaid tattoo on his back.

     ► loves gummies of any type, especially gummy sharks.
     ► likes to carry people and also be carried.
     ► does his best to avoid accidentally harming whales / sharks / sea dwelling species such as fae or seafarers.

     ► has a thick scottish accent and uses scottish slang.

     ► loves sea shanties and singing with people, especially when drunk.
     ► enjoys sunbathing out on his boat or on the beach close to his house.

     ► always has a whiskey flask on him.

     ► very loving towards most of his friends and doesn't easily pick up when people flirt with him because he's usually that nice anyway
     ► loves hugging, cuddling, hand holding, etc.

     ► doesn't like staying up too late- actually prefers to sleep fairly early a night.
     ► likes to play the fiddle and is pretty good at it.

     ► likes skipping rocks across the water when he's thinking.
     ► enjoys watching the sunset/sunrise a lot- never misses either.

     ► doesn't sleep well when he can't hear the sound of the ocean.