[Dainty] Lacey



6 years, 17 days ago



"I'm trying flirt with you"

Basic Info

Name Lacey
Age 28
Height 5'5"
Weight 112 lbs ish
Gender Cis Female
Species Dainty
Dictionary # MYO 1363
Ear Type Deer
Hoof Type Pony
Occupation Instagram Fitness model type
Orientation Bisexual
Host | S/O [info]
Design Notes

  • This character is a Dainty, they have hooved digitigrade legs and their stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • Her hair can be natural, dyed, or half/half, I kind of prefer the natural color, but shrugs
  • She is sort of on the muscular side.  Not too over the top, but she can pick most of my other dainties up, and she has crushing hugs.  I cannot draw muscles, but yeh.  

  • To be clear- The whole totally not lesbians thing is a canon inside joke among my dainty gang because for about 3 years they denied being a couple while everyone knew it was inevitable.  They're totally lesbians.

Just a total mom friend.

They type of person who goes to a pet store just to look and comes home with 5 cats, 2 puppies, a chinchilla (with proper manual and supplies) and a tank full of fish.


  • cooking
  • winter
  • blankets and pillows
  • anime and video games
  • surprising people with her abs

  • cleaning
  • trying to get a real job
  • heat/summer/sweating
  • getting recognized in public


Totally not in lesbians with
Lacey started following Steph on instagram since Steph's entire life looks like it's straight off a pintrest board, Steph got curious about this sort of buff leggy deer constantly commenting on her photos, and they ended up talking a lot.  Eventually, they realized they lived pretty close together and decided to meet up, and the rest is history

Masterlist- http://fav.me/dcc2ulw

A mom friend--gamer--gets hot really easily- doesn't like summer--wants a puppy

also totally not a lesbian

hair can be natural, dyed, or half dyed idc I like the half and natural though