
10 months, 13 days ago


Age: 29

Height: 5'8 | Wingspan: 3.5m

Race/species: True Vesperian (bat-humanoid)

Gender: Female 


Occupation: Celeste's mother. Aspires to design clothes


Personality: Tense, protective, pessimistic

Likes: Caring for her daughter, self-care, mirrors

Dislikes: Humans and their restricting clothes, poorly made textiles, assumptions that she is naturally violent

Extra details: Capable of flight and gliding. Harmed by sunlight

Backstory: Vesperians were once a close-knit species living in the fortified forest that separated Meridian and Yora. Known for their resemblance to bats and advanced architecture, Vesperians were self-sufficient and protected themselves well from the sun. However, they were targeted by humans for their lifestyle and the land they lived on. Many humans built up a fear about the tiny community living in peace and spread rumors that they were an omen of destruction. Nix, rebellious in her early adult years, dismissed the warnings foretold by her elders and made direct contact with a human man in Yora. Once rumors of their relationship became known to the man's township, the humans pillaged Nix's home and left her as the last of her kind. Since then, she has traveled under the cover of night with her daughter as a means of survival