


1 year, 2 months ago




If a god is a dog and a man is a fraud, then...

Vincenza del Rosal, Esquire. A charming lawyer more concerned with where she should vacation than whatever loose morals she's let slip. Legally speaking, after all, she's already gotten away with it...

Though she's (allegedly) left her con artistry in the past, she's still got no shortage of vices up her sleeve. Still, some clients see her blithe acknowledgement thereof as affirmation of her legal prowess. Such a successful laywer who freely pronounces her love of gambling, alcohol, and one-night-stands must be really good in the courtroom, right?


Ex Parte

  • Despite her eccentricities, it can't be overstated: Vin is a fantastic lawyer. No matter the scale of the crime, no matter the certainty of her client's guilt, it's near-certain that she'll be able to pull a favorable verdict out of a hat. This has earned her admiration and disdain in equal measure; regardless, she meets them all with the same blasé cheer. Recently, she seems to have taken up partnership with Ceridwen Llawes...
  • Prone though she is to vices -- including getting away for the weekend to somewhere remote, this week's new paramour in tow -- Vin's dedication to her work can't be doubted. Regardless of the who, what, or when, Vin will virtually always reroute what she's doing to provide legal assistance. And if that legal assistance is for an old friend from her con artist days rather than a client... well, good thing she's a dab hand at paperwork.
Name Vincenza del Rosal
Goes By Vin
Age 47
Height 5'4"
Orientation Bisexual
Species Unbleeder
Insert Horns & Heart

Berry Sorbet

Weapon Sniper Rifle


  • Finer Things. Fine art. Wine. Gourmet food. Luxury hotels. Silk sheets. Cigars.
  • Outdoors. Swimming. Tanning. The beach. Motorcycles. Countryside vacations.
  • Cheap Thrills. Gambling. Fast food. Scratch-off lottery tickets. Clubbing.
  • The Gaudy. Bright hair dye. Tons of rings. Big earrings. Bright clashing colors.


  • Boredom. Must be doing something, ideally something involved, at all times.
  • Cold Weather. Can't go to the beach. Can't wear your shirt open. (Well, not with ease.)
  • Hangovers. Don't listen to what people say about black coffee. Ugh.
  • Crying People. Listen, she's not great at the whole bedside manner shtick Lawyer, not therapist.



  • Her freckles are all over, but strongest on her face, chest, & shoulders. She tends towards expensive pantsuits with open shirts, so this is often evident.
  • Part of the Official 2023 Unbleeders Pride Batch! Extremely bisexual.
    • She's known since her college days, but I did briefly toy with the idea of her only realizing after getting her Cor. "I had all the colors, so I figured, 'Why not try women?' and what do you know!"
  • A Spaniard by birth. She seaks Spanish fluently, but speaks English with a distinctive (yet implacable) American accent.




Old Friend / Trusted / Treasured

They go way back. Funny how two ex-cons can end up involved in law(-adjacent) fields, huh? Illegal or otherwise, they have fun together.

Take it easy, kid!


Ally / Interesting / Teased

Cold and militantly responsible -- that is to say, Vin's polar opposite. Still, they seem to be working together behind closed doors of late...

Lunch this week?