Gabrielle Gray



1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Obligatory spiderverse inspired character. Partially based off myself and partially not


Basic Info

Name: Gabrielle Gray 

Nicknames: Elle

Alias: Spidergirl

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Occupation: College Student (Undeclared Major) / Vigilante

A girl who was bitten by a radioactive spider (red backed jumping spider) and became a hero. 

Powers & Abilities 

Spidey-Sense: Acts as a danger indicator but is super sensitive and usually operating at 110%. Constantly making Elle perceive things as threats when they actually aren't 

Accelerated Healing: Elle heals around two times faster than an average person 

Super Strength: Elle is stronger than the average person. She has not yet discovered by how much. Her super strength is generally only obvious when it comes to her super human jumping ability. 


Web Shooters: Built by Elle and utilizes a formula perfected by an unknowing friend. The web shooters allow Elle to produce super strong silken threads with she can use to better move around as well as fight. She often utilizes her webs as a sort of bungee cord or safety rope when jumping around. 

Fighting Style

Elle's fighting style is more defensive based and often involves her jumping around and trying to use her webs to trap or trip up an opponent. She's more of a mid to long rage fighter and doesn't do very well in close quarters. She's not a brawler and when forced into a close quarters fight she usually just tries to use her strength to disorient or knock out her opponent long enough to tie them up.

Extra Info

- Was dubbed Spidergirl by reporters when first starting out and the name stuck. At the time Elle didn't have any ideas for a different or better alias so she just kept it 

- The radioactive spider that gave Elle her powers originally escaped from a lab on her school campus. 

- Prefers to go by Elle but isn't always brave enough to say it when introducing herself to new people.