Future Doppy (F?T[]RE D??OP\\]PY)


Basic Info

Timeline of origin

The wrong one


Don't you just love it when you disregard time-travelling health and safety and then ↸↸ ↸!¡↸↸ || !¡!¡↸!¡ !¡!¡↸ ↸ !¡!¡↸ !¡↸!¡ !¡ || ↸ !¡↸ ↸!¡↸ !¡ ↸!¡ || !¡↸ !¡↸↸ !¡↸ ↸!¡↸↸ || !¡!¡↸!¡ !¡↸!¡ ↸↸↸ ↸↸ || ↸↸ !¡ || ↸!¡↸!¡ !¡↸ !¡!¡!¡ ↸ || !¡!¡ ↸!¡ ↸ ↸↸↸ || !¡↸ || !¡↸!¡!¡ !¡!¡ !¡!¡!¡↸ !¡!¡ ↸!¡ ↸↸!¡ || !¡!¡!¡!¡ !¡ !¡↸!¡!¡ !¡↸!¡!¡ || !¡↸ ↸!¡ ↸!¡!¡ || ↸!¡↸↸ !¡ ↸ || !¡!¡ || !¡!¡!¡ !¡ !¡ || !¡↸ || !¡↸!¡ !¡ !¡!¡↸!¡ !¡↸!¡!¡ !¡ ↸!¡↸!¡ ↸ !¡!¡ ↸↸↸ ↸!¡ || ↸↸↸ !¡!¡↸!¡ || !¡↸↸ !¡!¡!¡!¡ !¡↸ ↸ || !¡!¡ !¡!¡!¡ || ↸↸ !¡!¡ ↸!¡ !¡ || !¡↸ ↸!¡ ↸!¡!¡ || ↸!¡↸↸ !¡ ↸ || !¡↸ ↸ || ↸ !¡!¡!¡!¡ !¡ || !¡!¡!¡ !¡↸ ↸↸ !¡ || ↸ !¡!¡ ↸↸ !¡ || !¡!¡ !¡!¡!¡ ↸!¡ !¡↸↸↸↸!¡ ↸ || !¡!¡ ↸ || !¡!¡ !¡!¡!¡ ↸!¡ !¡↸↸↸↸!¡ ↸ || !¡!¡↸!¡ !¡↸ !¡!¡ !¡↸!¡ || !¡!¡ ↸ || !¡!¡ !¡!¡!¡ ↸!¡ !¡↸↸↸↸!¡ ↸ || !¡!¡↸!¡ !¡↸ !¡!¡ !¡↸!¡ || !¡!¡ || !¡!¡!¡ !¡!¡!¡!¡ !¡↸ !¡↸!¡!¡ !¡↸!¡!¡ || ↸ !¡↸ ↸!¡↸ !¡ || !¡↸↸ !¡!¡!¡!¡ !¡↸ ↸ || !¡!¡ !¡!¡!¡ || ↸↸ !¡!¡ ↸!¡ !¡ || ↸!¡↸↸ ↸↸↸ !¡!¡↸ !¡↸!¡ || !¡!¡↸!¡ !¡!¡↸ ↸ !¡!¡↸ !¡↸!¡ !¡ || !¡!¡ !¡!¡!¡ || ↸↸ !¡!¡ ↸!¡ !¡ || ↸!¡↸↸ ↸↸↸ !¡!¡↸ !¡↸!¡ || !¡!¡↸!¡ !¡!¡↸ ↸ !¡!¡↸ !¡↸!¡ !¡ || !¡!¡ !¡!¡!¡ || ↸↸ !¡!¡ ↸!¡ !¡ || ↸!¡↸↸ ↸↸↸ !¡!¡↸ !¡↸!¡ || !¡!¡↸!¡ !¡!¡↸ ↸ !¡!¡↸ !¡↸!¡ !¡ || !¡!¡ !¡!¡!¡ || ↸↸ !¡!¡ ↸!¡ !¡ || ↸!¡↸↸ ↸↸↸ !¡!¡↸ !¡↸!¡ || !¡!¡↸!¡ !¡!¡↸ ↸ !¡!¡↸ !¡↸!¡ !¡ || !¡!¡ !¡!¡!¡  haha yeah me too!

Is this Doppy lore canon? I don't know. But there's an alternate timeline where it is! (I just drew this for fun lol idk if I'll do anything with it other than doodles that might reference this)