Noxxxious Sarcosyde



11 months, 9 days ago

Basic Info

Real Name David Edwards


Birthday: ??????, 2336
201 lbs
93 kgs

Lord Noxxxious Sarcosyde is one of the head generals of Kuzuryūshin. He is in charge of Health and Wellness of Metallum Solis. He works under Lord Stiletto Dagg'ur. He was born in 2336 as a W4rm4ch1ne. This was a government project called the 441 Initiative, which was to create biologically engineered humans for war. As with all the Generals of Kuzuryūshin, he has significantly more relevance in the prequel, Part 2, Morbid Entropy. He was created under the Identifier tag T.O.R.A MK0007 LESION. Although his foster parents who raised him called him David. With their last name being Edwards. He's fond of this name but to use it towards him if you're not close means disrespect to his preferred title of Noxxxious. His war ability is to rapidly produce highly corrosive bacteria which can be expelled and eat away any physical substances that it touches as long as the bacteria is alive- which only lasts about 10-15 seconds outside of his body. His skin is a color similar to Vantablack, in which it has no light that is able to reflect off of it. Because of this- it is hard to know what he actually looks like.

No one knows what the pieces that hang by his face are- if they're a form of hair or tentacles. He won't let anyone touch them, or himself, so there is no confirming what they actually are. He knows but won't tell anyone because he thinks it's funny.
He has a serious form of germaphobia, so he barely ever uses his ability. He spends all day cleaning everything over and over again because he likes the smell of cleaning products and finds it to be enjoyable to make things cleaner. Often, Stiletto has to keep him from rubbing the skin off his hands from overworking them. Because of the immense compassion and care Stiletto holds towards the other generals- even though he doesn't care for war, he would die defending Dagg'urs legacy.
As with every W4rm4ch1ne, they are created to be reproducing amongst themselves, which means every Machine has both sexual organs for reproduction- because of this they also choose to go by all pronouns- but Noxxxious typically uses masculine pronouns.

He enjoys LARPing as a pirate, but due to his cleaning habits, his red suit has been bleached almost completely white. He attempts to bleach his hat consistently but it keeps rubbing the Kuzuryūshin symbol off of it, angering the other generals and causing him to have to constantly replace it. He often butts heads with Lord Algephago Sinestro- who LARPs as a Navy Officer. He wears a large puffy coat, and an even larger coat that hangs off his shoulders. He does this to make himself look way more muscular than what he actually is. So he can look more intimidating despite not having an intimidating personality.


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