


1 year, 4 days ago


Formerly: a depressed lawyer who really needed a break and just wanted to stop arguing with people and party and play games but was married to his work

Presently: Working on it (getting therapy now), a run in with a villain made him have to live at a mercenary agency for protection but he's having the best time of his life now that he's free from the job he hated, unfortunately decided to grow a mullet (to hide the scar from the run-in with the villain)

Kind of a baby sitter for a little gamer boy at the agency who's teaching Ale technology and wont stop talking about league of legends

Karaoke queen tbh

He typically wears nice button-up shirts and formal to semi-formal attire, with dress shoes and a nice watch. If other situations require different clothing (like his first session at a national park and other session bird-watching in a park) he gets the best equipment money can buy, being fully decked out in gear.

Can't share his epithet because other players in my group don't know it yet :(

A vague description of some of his abilities: Can manifest a giant gavel and hit things, can place a temporary restraining order on people, can call a recess/stop attacks from anyone for a bit, can OBJECTION someone Ace Attorney style, can argue away status effects