
11 months, 20 hours ago


Birthday: June 25th

Nature: Bold

Characteristic: Mischievous

Tera Type: Fire

Height: 5'4" / 163 cm

Weight: 122 pounds / 54.4 kg

Partner Preference: Women


- Mist Ball

- Mystical Fire

- Dragon Pulse

- Tailwind

She works as an express courier on the small island she grew up on far to the south. She’s not one for spicy food, but anything tangy or sour she adores; salt and vinegar chips, lemon candy, and the like. She has a passion for hard rock from groups like Def Leppard and Airbourne and has a passion for making mix tapes for when she feels like going for long flights to relax. Her brother is a bit too Serious for her taste, but his harping to take care of herself comes from a place of love. She’s a menace to him in return.

She's not particularly adept at relationships. So while outwardly she's bold, confident, and bright like sunlight, she can't help but be either oblivious or a complete dorky disaster. If advances are unwanted though, she does try to make it unquestionably clear she's not interested. Though small, she's going to put up one hell of a fight if you don't listen. She's tougher than she looks.