Tweet Tweet



10 months, 29 days ago


Tweet Tweet is a female Dutch Angel Dragon (she also can go by they/them pronouns)

She is very curious and likes to collect shiny or interesting looking objects and put them in her den! She also likes to hang stuff on her antlers as well! 

Her favorite season is autumn when the leaves on the trees match her colors and she usually can’t help herself to try and collect pretty leaves to add to her collection! She also does like spring/Summer as well with all the pretty colors, especially flowers! Tweet does not like winter very much as she feels uncomfortable with anything that doesn’t have a variety of color. (like if she was in a full white or single colored room she’d panic) 

Tweet Tweet loves birds and tries to mimic all the bird sounds she hears around her, she will also try sounds she heard from other animals but mostly only birds. 

Tweet Tweet is a omnivore but usually eats fruits and anything sweet, but wouldn’t turn away if offered meat.

(I originally created this character but my friend Bumblebirbo redesigned her!)