Culture's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

itstheHIVEMIND Global Rules

I am pretty loose with how my designs and art is used! However if my TOS is broken multiple times I may blacklist ya (my blacklist is private but I will still notify you!)

Depending on the offence and situation I can give second chances! Don’t be afraid to reach out to me if you’d like to talk about getting off the blacklist or if you feel the strike/blacklisting was unjust!

I will mark every rule on my TOS that is on the 3 strike rule, 1 warning rule, or is immediately blacklist worthy

If you have any questions please reach out to me! I will gladly clear anything up or hear people out ^^ 


- My designs must be kept on toyhouse! Do not delete or private them without giving me access! If a character is put on private I must be given an access key or be authorized (3 strike rule)

- Designs cannot be sold for more then they have been bought for, unless art is added on. If art is added please only add on the value of that added art! (3 strike rule)

- Designs that have been traded or gotten for Art can also be sold! Just as long as they are sold for how much the traded character was worth or how much the Art was worth!

- Designs can be heavily modified or redesigned as long as they are still somewhat recognizable! (I must still be credited for the original design and that og design is still kept on toyhouse!) 

- Designs can be used commercially! However do not use my original art of the character! (Immediate blacklist if my art is used commercially!) 

- Inspiration can be taken from my designs, however, if they are an almost exact copy or makes the owner of the og design uncomfortable, changes must be made to the design. The creator of the inspired design will be responsible to make the changes! Owner of inspired design may be held accountable if they are made aware and don’t do anything (immediate blacklist if refused to change design, 3 strike rule if design is changed!) 

- I do design pings if wanted! Don’t be afraid to ask!

- Designs received in a raffle will be worth $0 unless art is added! (3 strike rule) 

- Any NSFW Art added to a character must have a CW of some kind or put on private! 

- NSFW Art or any sexualization of my designs that are minors WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, and will lead to an immediate blacklist 


- Art cannot be used commercially unless a commercial fee is paid (150% fee of og price. Example: $20 og price + 150% = $50). (Immediate blacklist if art is used commercially) 

- If you don’t know the value of my Art and need to know don’t be afraid to ask! 

- Art cannot be modified without telling me what your modifying and asking permission! I usually will say yes but I want to be sure no hateful elements are being added to my Art! (3 strike rule, unless hateful content is added to the piece then it will be an immediate blacklist!) 

- Art containing multiple characters cannot be cropped to just be your character! You also cannot remove the other characters on toyhouse as it will remove that piece of art from others galleries! (3 strike rule)


- All my commissions will be a set price unless stated otherwise! Trying to haggle my set prices whether your nice or not is not tolerated (3 strike rule) 

- I won’t do NSFW, heavy gore, fetish, drug use or anything you wouldn’t ask a minor to draw (as I am one). (1 warning rule. You will be immediately blacklisted tho if your attempting to harass, blackmail, or pressure me in any way to draw unsavoury Art) 

- I will draw basically anything else! Including heavy blood, or ship Art! (Just as long as it doesn’t cross a line I’m uncomfortable with ^^ and remains PG) I will inform you if there’s something I’m not comfortable with and don’t be afraid to ask!! :D 

- Ghosting mid commission is not allowed. After I finish the sketch a will strike you if you don’t reply within 2 months! (3 strike rule!) 

- I will refund you if the sketch hasn’t been finished! If you can show proof that you desperately need the money back. I will then refund you, however, you will not be allowed to use the any of the art I had made no matter what stage the art is at!

- Art may take between 1 week to 2 months depending on circumstances! It’s very rare for Art to take longer then 2 weeks but it is a possibility! If you don’t get any updates from me within a month don’t be afraid to remind me!!!!


- First version (20/10/2022)