"paper guy"



11 months, 26 days ago


A very busy young man. He is slightly annoying and selfish, but in general he can be very useful, because he knows almost everything about the country in which he lives, science and art. every day he tries to "record" new information on himself. he does not have a real name, because he believes that no name suits him better than "paper man"

male//???//27 y.o.


Charlotte - He works for her, and is also her main listener and friend! "Paper man" works for free, because Charlotte has a large library in which he can sit for hours. He would work for her until he had read all the books from there. In general, they have a very warm relationship!

Isabelle - warm friendly relations. They met when Charlotte had just brought her to visit. He is not a frequent guest at her concerts, but enjoys listening to the stories of Charlotte, who did not miss any. He believes that she is very hardworking once she has achieved such success and, in principle, is positive towards Isabelle

Servius (the black creature next to him) - Let's just say he's very happy that Servius has appeared in his life. It is not known when or why, but this creature just started following Paper Man and, no matter how much he tried to get rid of Servius, he decided to keep them. In the end, it turned out to be the right decision and now Servius helps him everywhere.

note: update the page later