"Ikh4rUz_" Berrycloth



1 year, 3 months ago




- Eyestrain colors / Colores brillantes
-Suicide mentions / Menciones de suicidio

Do you want to continue?

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Íker Missael
24 años
Hombre | He / Him
188 CM / 6'2" FT

Íker Missael Berrycloth (nacido el 13 de septiembre, 2000) es un artista digital reconocido en diferentes plataformas dedicada a este contenido. Es autor y artista de un webcomic propio, este teniendo una fanbase extendida y considerablemente grande. Trabaja principalmente en su webcomic pero también tiene ingresos mediante comisiones, ya que su estilo de dibujo es algo llamativo a la vista, mientras este está un poco apegado a la estética scene aún así no se limita a solo esto.


A pesar de que al estar en línea se demuestre como un tipo extrovertido, al estar interactuando en persona con alguien Íker es alguien tímido y le costará mucho entablar una conversación, pero hará todo lo posible si es que ve que el momento se ha tornado incómodo. Debido a ciertas experiencias tiene mucho cuidado al ver con quién está interactuando, pero a pesar de todo esto es muy agradable a la hora de conversar con él.


    • Lastimosamente no fue su comic lo que lo catapultó a la fama, la gente ha aprendido a amar su comic y de verdad se muestra interesada en esto pero no es la principal razón por la que Íker ganó seguidores, sino, fue por publicar un video de despedida en 2020 ya que se iba a suicidar, este video se volvió popular y tocó varios corazones. Íker lo intentó pero no tuvo éxito.
    • Sufre de ansiedad social pero ya está en terapia y poco a poco lo va superando.
    • Tiene hambre emocional la mayoría del tiempo.
    • Sufrió de waterboarding en la infancia y tiene TEPT con eso, por lo que aún le tiene algo de miedo a las duchas, puede bañarse en bañeras pero no en duchas por el miedo.
    • Su OC principal se llama Akari y la quiere mucho.
    • Arrienda una habitación en su casa a su ahora amigo Joseph.
    • Todo lo colorido en su pelo y cola es teñido, su pelo natural es solamente negro.
    • Usa lentes de contacto de color rosados. Sus ojos naturales son cafés.
    • Disfruta tanto de la música eurodance como el metal.
    • Descubrió la estética Scene a los 11 años, pero sólo después del incidente pudo empezar a vestirse como tal, a los 20 años.
    • Tiene algunos piercings, estos localizados en sus orejas y lengua. Piensa hacerse más.
    • También le encanta la temática de smiley faces, la mayoría de sus perfiles en distintas redes están decorados con estas.
    • Tiene un perfil secreto de SpaceHey, que solo sus mutuals y amigos conocen, ahí suele actualizar su vida y pensamientos aunque no es tan activo.
    • Un gran soporte para él ha sido su amigo Joseph, al que no ha conocido por tanto tiempo pero al menos no tener la casa tan sola le ha servido positivamente.
    • Tuvo una etapa de hacer animation memes....

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Íker Missael
24 years old
Male | He / Him
188 CM / 6'2" FT

Íker Missael Berrycloth (born September 13, 2000) is a digital artist recognized on different platforms dedicated to this content. He is the author and artist of his own webcomic, this one having a widespread and considerably large fanbase. He works mainly on his webcomic but also has income through commissions, since his drawing style is somewhat striking to the eye, while it is a little attached to the scene aesthetic, yet it is not limited to just this.


Although he appears to be an extrovert online, when interacting in person with someone, Iker is shy and will have a hard time starting a conversation, but he will do his best if he sees that the moment has become awkward. Due to certain experiences he is very careful when seeing who he is interacting with, but despite all this he is very pleasant when it comes to talking to him.


    • Unfortunately it was not his comic that catapulted him to fame, people have learned to love his comic and are really interested in this but it is not the main reason why Íker gained followers, but rather, it was because he published a video of farewell in 2020 as he was going to commit suicide, this video became popular and touched several hearts. Iker tried but was unsuccessful.
    • He suffers from social anxiety but he is already in therapy and little by little he is overcoming it.
    • He's emotionally hungry most of the time.
    • Suffered from waterboarding in childhood and has PTSD from it, so he is still somewhat afraid of showers, he can bathe in bathtubs but not showers because of fear.
    • His main OC is called Akari and he loves her very much.
    • He rents a room in his house to his now friend Joseph.
    • Everything colorful in his hair and tail is dyed, his natural hair is only black.
    • Wears pink contact lenses. His natural eyes are brown.
    • Enjoys both Eurodance and metal music.
    • Discovered the Scene aesthetic at the age of 11, but only after the incident was he able to start dressing as such, at the age of 20.
    • He has some piercings, these located in his ears and tongue. He plans to get more.
    • He also loves the theme of smiley faces, most of his profiles on different networks are decorated with these.
    • He has a secret SpaceHey profile, which only his mutuals and friends know, where he usually updates his life and thoughts although he is not that active.
    • A great support for him has been his friend Joseph, whom he has not known for so long but at least not having the house so alone has served him positively.
    • He had a stage of making animation memes....

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