Alisdair Beowulf



11 months, 6 days ago


Alisdair A. Beowulf

While most werewolves terrorize the night, this one prefers to coddle the dawn; spending all of his time tending a small farmland big enough to feed himself while the rest goes to the market. Good with his hands and home to a big heart, Alisdair is well-rehearsed in kindness.

Alister, Alisdair
December 14ᵗʰ

Outer Newgold

"You're my top priority."

Author, Date


With a heart like his, it's impossible for Alisdair not to extend all possible niceties to those around him. Hence his generosity, it's a touch unwise of him to venture into the city—and he tends to keep to his farmland, the wilderness, and the small neighboring farmers' markets when it comes to socializing. At least there, the topics are all within his know-how and comfort.

historic moments

no longer puppy love

"I'm glad they're in my life."

Alisdair isn't the most familiar with today's social norms. Having spent most his life alone, it was definitely a stroke of luck when he met the three of his polycule. Not to say it was intentional—of the four, they could arguably be split into their own two pairs; but they much rather share their affections across the four of them. And, truthfully, this sort of affection is surprisingly perfect for Alisdair's pouring heart.


"You should stop by when I'm there! It's lovely."

For what a handful a small farm should be for one person, it's as if Alisdair was born for the role of farmhand. He cares meticulously for every crop & livestock, and has a sweet golden retriever who assists him in herding, protecting & alerting. Without Marmalade, he often jests he'd be nowhere as far as he is. He raises several goats, sheep & a small coop of chickens alongside his personal fields.
After harvest day, he typically takes what's left over to a farmer's market; and while there, aside from selling, he barters frequently—typically trading for things he can't or doesn't produce on his own land.


  • Outdoor activities
  • Beaches
  • Libraries
  • Painting
  • Woodwork
  • Wintertime
  • City life
  • Bars
  • Brusselsprouts
  • Milk chocolate

Introvert Extrovert
Friendly Challenging
Curious Cautious
Nervous Confident
Disciplined Carefree


A. Faust

Significant other. Composed & quiet, the contract demon's time spent with the werewolf is in respite from the world. As stoic as he can be, he has a softer side to him which shows only for Alisdair & the others.

Nakida I.

Significant other. A reckless and ambitious russian with high stature in his gang. It's impossible to figure how Nakida found his way to Alisdair's slice of life—but now that he has, he's shown no plans of going anywhere.

Erziel G.

Significant other. As resistant as the angel is to admitting his affection, the others draw him in relentlessly—and his constant return only serves to prove his infatuation.


Illia's Theme

Zelda: Twilight Princess

Designed by miruneal
Sidebar by miruneal