Agent Natasha



1 year, 2 months ago


Fandom: Pokemon

Full name: Natasha Bogomolov

Age: 39

Birthday: November 24

Voiceclaim: Mia Barron (Molotov from Venture Bros.)

Orientation: Lesbian

Team Rank: Agent

Birthplace: Pokemon World equivalent of Russia. Idk man I'll change this if we ever get a Russia region

Residence: Lilycove City, Hoenn

Bio: Natasha moved to Hoenn from the Pokémon World's equivalent of Russia. She joined Team Magma very soon after moving to Hoenn when she was 30, and she is now almost 40.

She's very serious and no-nonsense, and sometimes it doesn't seem like she has much of a sense of humor, mainly replying to jokes with a deadpan "Ha." or "That's funny." She has a thick accent and tends to speak in short, brief sentences. Not because she's not fluent in the Hoennian language, she is, however, but because she finds conversation tedious and rather pointless unless it regards one of her interests, in which then you're guaranteed to get an earful from her.

One thing that always gets Natasha passionate, and more emotive than you'll ever see her be, is plants and agriculture. Natasha sees the soil and the Earth almost as a family member, and is delicate and meticulous with plants and crops. She names them, takes care of them almost like they're her children, and she talks at length about them to fellow Magma members. Plant and agriculture based jokes are the only one she'll bust out laughing at. She also has a doctorate in agricultural science that she earned in her home region!

Natasha's passion for plants, Earth, and agriculture, is what led her to join Team Magma, as she greatly believed in their cause of expanding the ground on Earth.

Her team consists of Kecleon, Vileplume, Sudowoodo, Breloom, and her partner Pokemon Sunflora.

Design note that may or may not be necessary: Natasha's hair isn't purple like Courtney's but is rather meant to be more of a burgundy or wine color.