


11 months, 19 days ago


Farris Kingsmith

Cis male, heterossexual, about 70 yo in human years

Guildmaster of the Navigator Guild of Merchants and Explorers. 
Husband of Lady Nephilim, biological father of Elena, Maria, Apolo and Alberto. Adoptive father of Severo. Grandfather of Little Kat. 

One of the three Navigator Guild of Merchant and Explorer's founders, its current leader and Head Guildmaster. Farris is Porto's patron and lead manager. He is clan Leader in all but name, and it is due his influence that the town doesn't have a named clan leader or head figure. 

Farris is a hard working dragon originally from the lightning farm, and lived in two different clans before he settled in the region with Charlotte and Robbie's support, through an alliance with a local mage. 

A family man with many children, he struggles at time with balancing his work-private time. He dotes on all of his children through spoiling and caring, with the exception of his adopted (and secretly favourite son) Severo, to whom he's a bit harsher to due to having high expectations that Severo will make out in life like he once did.

A widely unpopular figure in town, in no part due to his strong landlord energy, Farris is vain and arrogant about the Empire he built from the ground, and has a no-nonsense attitude. His family is his softest spot, and when it comes to familial ties, he is an entirely different creature, often coming out as softer than his peers Charlotte and Robbie. This is due the early death of his two firstborn children, leading to a terrible divorce. Farris is clearly over compensating his early losses by dedicating so much to his new family.

He likes his family, the guild, money, Porto and himself, in that order. 

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